首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Crust and upper mantle velocity structure of the Yellowstone hot spot and surroundings

Crust and upper mantle velocity structure of the Yellowstone hot spot and surroundings


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The Yellowstone hot spot has recently been shown to be a plume that extends into the transition zone. At roughly 60–120 km depth, the plume material rising beneath Yellowstone Park is sheared SW by North America Plate motion, producing a profound low velocity layer emplaced beneath the thin lithosphere. To constrain the absolute seismic velocity of the plate-sheared plume layer, fundamental mode Rayleigh wave observations have been inverted for phase velocity using the two plane wave technique. The resulting phase velocity models are inverted with Moho-converted P to S arrival times to better constrain crustal thickness and absolute S wave velocity structure to ~120 km depth. A regionalized S wave velocity model has an extremely low velocity minimum of 3.8 ± 0.1 km/s at 80 km depth beneath the hot spot track. Nonregionalized 3-D velocity models find a velocity minimum of 3.9 km/s beneath the hot spot track. Below 120 km depth, our resolution diminishes such that the lateral spreading of the plume track is not resolved. The volume of the low velocity plume layer is small and the estimated buoyancy flux for the Yellowstone plume is <0.1 Mg/s which contrasts with the ~9 Mg/s value for Hawaii. In addition, a notable region of thick crust and high lower crustal velocities is found around Billings, Montana, consistent with previous refraction and receiver function studies that interpret this as evidence for a massive Precambrian underplating event.
机译:黄石热点最近被证明是延伸到过渡带的羽状流。在大约60-120 km的深度处,黄石公园下方上升的羽状物质受到北美板块运动的影响而被西南向剪切,从而在薄岩石圈下方产生了深远的低速层。为了限制板状剪切羽流层的绝对地震速度,使用双平面波技术将基本模式瑞利波观测值的相速度反转了。将产生的相速度模型与Moho转换的P到S的到达时间进行反演,以更好地将地壳厚度和绝对S波速度结构约束到约120 km深度。区域性S波速度模型在热点轨道下方80 km的深度处具有极低的最低速度,即3.8±0.1 km / s。非区域化3-D速度模型发现热点轨道下方的最小速度为3.9 km / s。在120 km深度以下,我们的分辨率会降低,以致无法解决羽流轨迹的横向扩展。低速羽流层的体积很小,黄石羽流的浮力通量估计为<0.1 Mg / s,而夏威夷的浮游通量为〜9 Mg / s。此外,在蒙大拿州的比林斯附近发现了一个明显的地壳厚且地壳速度较高的区域,这与先前的折射和接收器功能研究相一致,该研究将其解释为大规模前寒武纪地下活动的证据。



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