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Editorial: Exploring new frontiers with JGR-Solid Earth


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This is a greeting front the new Editors a JGR -Solid Earth, Andre Revil from the Colorado School of Mines, Tom Parsons front the U.S. Geological Survey, and Robert Nowack from Purdue University. We are very excited about taking on the challenges and responsibilities of JGR -Solid Earth, with this being the 60th year since the inception of the Journal of Geophysical Research in 1949 as a contin-uation of the earlier Journal of Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity. The wider range of research areas for the new JGR was noted by its first editor Merle Tuve [Tuve, 1949], "We have recognized the need ... for a scientific journal of high quality which endeavors to cover a broad range of subjects in geophysical research directed toward scientific goals...." This is much the same mission today for JGR, which now includes seven different sections of which JGR-Solid Earth in itself includes a wide range of research areas in the solid Earth sciences. This year is also the 90th year since the establishment of the American Geophys-ical Union in 1919 by the National Academy of Sciences [Smith, 1969]. It later became a scientific society, and in 1958 it assumed the responsibilities of JGR and transferred scien-tific papers to it from the Transactions of the AGU, which later became Eos. AGU added other journals, starting in the 1960s including Geophysical Research Letters and Reviews of Geophysics. In 1999, AGU began publishing the all electronic journal, G-Cubed (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems), and now provides all AGU journals online as the version of record. JGR, with its different research topics, will continue to be a flagship scientific journal for the AGU, and we arc proud to carry on the JGR tradition as new Editors for JGR -Solid Earth.
机译:这是JGR-Solid Earth的新编辑,科罗拉多矿业学院的Andre Revil,美国地质调查局的Tom Parsons和普渡大学的Robert Nowack所致的问候。自从1949年《地球物理研究杂志》问世以来,这已经是第60个年头,这是对较早的《地球磁学与大气电学》的延续,我们对承担JGR-Solid Earth的挑战和责任感到非常兴奋。新JGR的第一任编辑Merle Tuve [Tuve,1949]指出了更广泛的研究领域,“我们已经认识到……需要高质量的科学期刊,该期刊致力于涵盖面向科学目标的地球物理研究……。”今天对于JGR来说,这是几乎相同的任务,JGR现在包括七个不同的部分,其中JGR-Solid Earth本身包括固体地球科学的广泛研究领域。今年也是美国国家科学院于1919年成立美国地球物理联盟以来的第90个年头[Smith,1969]。后来它成为一个科学学会,并于1958年承担了JGR的职责,并从AGU的交易(后来成为Eos)向其转移了科学论文。 AGU增加了其他期刊,从1960年代开始,包括《地球物理研究快报》和《地球物理学评论》。 1999年,AGU开始出版所有电子期刊G-Cubed(地球化学,地球物理学,地球系统),现在在线提供所有AGU期刊作为记录版本。 JGR具有不同的研究主题,将继续成为AGU的旗舰科学期刊,并且我们很荣幸能够继承JGR的传统,成为JGR -Solid Earth的新编辑。



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