首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Composition and Analysis >Lipid and fatty acid composition of fish and seafood consumed in France: CALIPSO study.

Lipid and fatty acid composition of fish and seafood consumed in France: CALIPSO study.


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Seafood is considered by nutritionists to be a high source of omega 3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) which are involved in prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but little data is available concerning fatty acids and especially n-3 LC-PUFAs composition of seafood. The objective of this study was therefore to assess the n-3 LC-PUFAs composition of representative fish and seafood consumed in France. A total of 159 fish, mollusk and crustacean samples were collected in four French coastal areas taking into consideration methods of preservation (fresh, frozen, canned...) and supply habits (fishing or collecting, fish shop, supermarket...) of the high consumers, according to a total diet study approach sampling. Food samples were analyzed for total lipids and fatty acids, especially n-3 LC-PUFAs. Eel, salmon, swordfish and halibut are the richest fish in total lipids and n-3 LC-PUFAs (EPA, DPA, DHA), with respective average levels of 20.4, 13.5, 12.4 and 11.7g lipids/100g fresh weight (fw) of edible portion, and 1434, 3625, 3358, 2654mg n-3 LC-PUFAs/100gfw. These original results are consistent with the literature and will be useful in risk/benefit assessment of fish consumption recommendations in general and in French subgroups of population such as pregnant women or children. All rights reserved, Elsevier.
机译:营养学家认为,海鲜是富含omega 3长链多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 LC-PUFAs)的来源,可预防心血管疾病,但有关脂肪酸尤其是n-3 LC的数据很少-PUFAs组成的海鲜。因此,本研究的目的是评估法国食用的代表性鱼类和海鲜的n-3 LC-PUFAs组成。考虑到法国的沿海地区的保存方法(新鲜,冷冻,罐头...)和供应习惯(钓鱼或收集,鱼店,超市...),总共在法国四个沿海地区收集了159种鱼类,软体动物和甲壳类动物样品。根据总体饮食研究方法对高消费人群进行抽样。分析食品样品中的总脂质和脂肪酸,尤其是n-3 LC-PUFA。鳗鱼,鲑鱼,箭鱼和大比目鱼是总脂质和n-3 LC-PUFAs(EPA,DPA,DHA)中最丰富的鱼类,分别具有平均20.4、13.5、12.4和11.7g脂质/ 100g新鲜重量(fw)的水平可食用部分,和1434、3625、3358、2654mg n-3 LC-PUFAs / 100gfw。这些原始结果与文献一致,将有助于对一般和法国人口中的孕妇或儿童等鱼类消费建议的风险/效益评估。保留所有权利,Elsevier。



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