首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Evaluation of the tissue response to MTA and MBPC: Microscopic analysis of implants in alveolar bone of rats.

Evaluation of the tissue response to MTA and MBPC: Microscopic analysis of implants in alveolar bone of rats.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the quantitative and qualitative inflammatory responses and bone formation potential after implantation of polyethylene tubes filled with a new calcium hydroxide containing sealer (MBPc) and ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). There were 48 Wistar rats divided in three groups: Group I (control group) empty polyethylene tubes were implanted in the extraction site; group II and III, polyethylene tubes were implanted filled with ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and MBPc, respectively. At 7, 15, and 30 days after tube implantation, the animals were killed, the hemi-maxillas were removed and prepared to light microscopic analyses. The scores obtained were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis statistical test (p < 0.05). Significant differences between the materials were not observed. The results showed that both materials had similar biological response.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估和比较聚乙烯管植入后的定量和定性炎症反应以及骨形成潜能,该聚乙烯管装有新型的含有封闭剂(MBPc)和ProRoot三氧化二矿骨料(MTA)的氢氧化钙。 Wistar大鼠48只,分为三组:第一组(对照组),将空的聚乙烯管植入提取部位;第二组,对照组。在第II组和第III组中,分别植入装有ProRoot三氧化二矿骨料(MTA)和MBPc的聚乙烯管。管植入后第7、15和30天,将动物处死,取出上颌骨,并准备进行光学显微镜分析。获得的分数将提交给Kruskal-Wallis统计检验(p <0.05)。没有观察到材料之间的显着差异。结果表明两种材料具有相似的生物学反应。



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