首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology >Fine-Resolved, Near-Coastal Spatiotemporal Variation of Temperaturein Resnonse to Insolation

Fine-Resolved, Near-Coastal Spatiotemporal Variation of Temperaturein Resnonse to Insolation


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This study uses GIS-based modeling of incoming solar radiation to quantify fine-resolved spatiotemporal responses of monthly average temperature, and diurnal temperature variation, at different times and locations within a field study area located onthe eastern coast of Sweden. Near-surface temperatures are measured by a network of temperature sensors during the spring and summer of 2011 and then used as the basis for model development and testing. The modeling of finescale spatiotemporal variationconsiders topography, distance from the sea, and observed variations in atmospheric conditions, accounting for site latitude, elevation, surface orientation, daily and seasonal shifts in sun angle, and effects of shadows from surrounding topography. Theauthors find a lag time between insolation and subsequent temperature response that follows an exponential decay from coastal to inland locations. They further develop a linear regression model that accounts for this lag time in quantifying fine-resolvedspatiotemporal temperature evolution. This model applies in the considered growing season for spatial distribution across the studied near-coastal landscape.



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