首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Epidemiology >Monitoring drug safety with registries: Useful components of postmarketing pharmacovigilance systems

Monitoring drug safety with registries: Useful components of postmarketing pharmacovigilance systems


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Objective: At the time of licensing by regulatory agencies, the full range of risks and possible adverse drug reactions associated with a medication is rarely fully realized. This commentary aims to describe the role of registries as useful components of postmarketing pharmacovigilance systems for monitoring highly specialized medications associated with significant financial costs. Study Design and Setting: We consider the limitations of traditional pharmacovigilance programs and discuss the strengths, limitations, and uses of registries in postmarketing pharmacovigilance systems. Results: Registries have become increasingly appealing in postmarketing surveillance of medications; however, their exact role continues to evolve. Key registry projects, including the Prospective Immunogenicity Surveillance Registry, British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register, Australian Rheumatology Association Database, the Haemostasis Registry, and the Bosentan Patient Registry highlight the value of registries for monitoring the incidence of rare adverse events. Conclusion: Although often limited by lack of a control group and the need for complete case ascertainment to maintain data integrity, registries are a useful component of postmarketing pharmacovigilance systems for monitoring highly specialized medications associated with significant financial costs.



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