首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical sleep medicine: JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine >Restless legs syndrome in an appalachian primary care population: prevalence, demographic and lifestyle correlates, and burden.

Restless legs syndrome in an appalachian primary care population: prevalence, demographic and lifestyle correlates, and burden.


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BACKGROUND: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common and distressing sensorimotor disorder of unknown etiology. While the epidemiology of RLS has been examined in several North American and European studies, research on RLS and RLS burden in poor, rural populations, including those residing in Appalachia, remains sparse. In this study, we investigated RLS prevalence in an Appalachian primary care population and examined the association of RLS to demographic factors, lifestyle characteristics, sleep quality, and mood disorders.METHODS: Participants of this anonymous survey study were community-dwelling adults aged ≥ 18 years visiting one of 4 West Virginia primary care clinics. Data gathered included detailed information on sleep patterns, demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, and health/medical history; the survey also included questions specific to RLS diagnosis and severity. Response rates were excellent, with 68% of eligible adults contacted returning completed surveys (N = 1,424/2,087). Pregnant women (N = 65) and those with missing data on key variables (N = 142) were excluded from the analyses.RESULTS: Of the 1,217 participants included in the final analytic sample, 19.6% (18.2% with symptoms at least once/month) met the 4 IRLSSG diagnostic criteria in the absence of positional discomfort or leg cramps; 14.5% reported RLS symptoms at least once/week and 10.1% indicated symptoms ≥ 3×/week. Excluding respondents with diabetes, kidney disease, or anemia reduced these rates only slightly. Those with RLS were more likely to be older, female, lower income, unemployed, disabled, non-Hispanic white, and less likely to be college educated than those without RLS. Mood and sleep impairment were significantly elevated in those with RLS; after adjustment for demographic and lifestyle characteristics, health history, and other factors, those with RLS remained significantly more likely to indicate a history of depression (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.6) and anxiety (OR = 1.6, CI 1.1, 2.2), to report sleep impairment both 4 (OR = 2.4, CI 1.6, 3.7) and 7 days/week (OR = 1.8, CI 1.3, 2.4), and a mean sleep duration < 5 hight (OR = 1.7, CI 1.2, 2.3). These associations increased in both strength and magnitude with increasing symptom frequency (p's for trend ≤ 0.01).CONCLUSIONS: Findings of this preliminary anonymous survey study suggest that RLS prevalence is high in this Appalachian primary care population and that RLS is associated with significant burden in terms of both mood and sleep impairment.
机译:背景:不安腿综合征(RLS)是一种病因不明的常见而令人困扰的感觉运动障碍。尽管在北美和欧洲的一些研究中已经对RLS的流行病学进行了研究,但对贫困农村人口(包括居住在阿巴拉契亚州的人口)的RLS和RLS负担的研究仍然很少。在这项研究中,我们调查了阿巴拉契亚初级保健人群中的RLS患病率,并研究了RLS与人口统计学因素,生活方式特征,睡眠质量和情绪障碍的相关性。方法:这项匿名调查研究的参与者为18岁以上的社区居民年访问了西弗吉尼亚州4家初级保健诊所之一。收集的数据包括有关睡眠方式,人口统计学特征,生活方式因素以及健康/病史的详细信息;调查还包括特定于RLS诊断和严重性的问题。答复率非常好,有68%的合格成年人返回了已完成的调查(N = 1,424 / 2,087)。分析中排除了孕妇(N = 65)和缺少关键变量数据的孕妇(N = 142)。结果:在最终分析样本中的1,217名参与者中,有19.6%(18.2%的症状至少一次/一个月)在没有位置不适或腿部抽筋的情况下符合4条IRLSSG诊断标准; 14.5%的患者每周至少报告一次RLS症状,而10.1%的患者每周出现≥3次症状。将患有糖尿病,肾脏疾病或贫血的受访者排除在外只会使这些比率略有降低。与没有RLS的人相比,具有RLS的人更有可能是年龄较大,女性,低收入,失业,残疾,非西班牙裔白人,并且受过大学教育的可能性较小。 RLS患者的情绪和睡眠障碍显着升高;在调整了人口统计学和生活方式特征,健康史以及其他因素后,那些患有RLS的人仍然更有可能表现出抑郁史(调整后的优势比[OR] = 1.9; 95%置信区间[CI] = 1.4、2.6)和焦虑(OR = 1.6,CI 1.1、2.2),分别报告每周4天(OR = 2.4,CI 1.6、3.7)和7天(OR = 1.8,CI 1.3、2.4)的睡眠障碍,以及平均睡眠时间<5小时/晚(OR = 1.7,CI 1.2,2.3)。这些关联的强度和严重程度随症状频率的增加而增加(趋势≤0.01的p's)。结论:这项初步的匿名调查研究的结果表明,阿巴拉契亚初级保健人群的RLS患病率很高,并且RLS的负担很重。无论是情绪还是睡眠障碍。



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