首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology >The efficient liquid-phase oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons by molecular oxygen in the presence of MnCO3

The efficient liquid-phase oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons by molecular oxygen in the presence of MnCO3


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BACKGROUND: The liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons by molecular oxygen is a commercially important process. We consider the MnCO3-promoted oxidation of toluene to produce benzaldehyde and benzoic acid. In this investigation, toluene was oxidized with 25.0% conversion and 80.8% selectivity with respect to benzoic acid in the presence of MnCO3 under 1.0 MPa of oxygen at 190 degrees C for 2 h. RESULTS: Moreover, the oxidation of other aromatic hydrocarbons, such as ethylbenzene, p-xylene, m-xylene, o-xylene, and p-chlorotoluene, were also efficiently promoted by MnCO3. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that an efficient oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons can be achieved in the presence of MnCO3 under solvent-free conditions. The catalytically active species are high-valence Mn generated via the action of MnCO3 with oxygen. (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry
机译:背景:分子氧对芳烃的液相催化氧化是一项重要的商业过程。我们考虑了MnCO3促进甲苯氧化生成苯甲醛和苯甲酸。在该研究中,在MnCO3存在下,在1.0 MPa的氧气下,于190°C的条件下,相对于苯甲酸,甲苯以25.0%的转化率和80.8%的选择性被氧化。结果:此外,MnCO3还可以有效地促进其他芳烃的氧化,例如乙苯,对二甲苯,间二甲苯,邻二甲苯和对氯甲苯。结论:结论是,在无溶剂条件下,在MnCO3存在下,可以实现芳烃的有效氧化。催化活性物质是通过MnCO3在氧气的作用下生成的高价Mn。 (c)2007年化学工业学会



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