首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Archaeological indicators for sea level change and coastal neotectonic deformation: the submerged Roman fish tanks of the gulf of Matala, Crete, Greece

Archaeological indicators for sea level change and coastal neotectonic deformation: the submerged Roman fish tanks of the gulf of Matala, Crete, Greece


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Due to the direct relationship between their function and ancient sea levels, Roman fish tanks and fish traps are excellent indicators for sea level changes through time. For this study, eleven submerged systems of fish tanks were investigated along the rocky southern coast of the gulf of Matala, Crete. Seven of them are still in a good state of preservation and thus underwent detailed survey and documentation. The measurements of their recent submersion, the determination of the way they operated, as well as their correlation with coastal landforms indicative of an older sea level, permit the identification of a mean Roman sea level at the SW coast of central Crete 1.25 m below the present one. According to historical evidence, the submersion of the SW coasts of the central part of Crete must have been occurred between 1415 and 1865 during a paroxysmal tectonic event and is probably related with the strong earthquake of 1604.
机译:由于其功能与古代海平面之间的直接关系,罗马鱼缸和诱捕器是随时间推移海平面变化的极佳指标。在这项研究中,沿着克里特岛Matala海湾南部多岩石的海岸调查了11个水下鱼缸系统。其中七个仍处于良好的保存状态,因此进行了详细的调查和记录。对它们最近的沉没的测量,对它们的工作方式的确定以及与表明较老海平面的沿海地貌的相关性,可以确定克里特岛中部西南1.25 m处西南海岸的平均罗马海平面。现在一个。根据历史证据,克里特岛中部西南海岸的淹没一定发生在1415年至1865年的一次阵发性构造事件中,可能与1604年的强地震有关。



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