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Education for all and for what? Life-skills and livelihoods in rural communities.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to argue for appropriate formal education for rural young people in order to sustain and enhance viable rural communities. Design/methodology/approach - In reviewing the literature, it bridges the gap between thinking on education and development respectively, and links schooling with the concepts of livelihoods, human and social capital and life-skills. By way of example, it summarises an empirical study of the content and delivery of tele-education among indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Findings - Developing and emerging economies and regions should prioritise effective and efficient rural education which incorporates practical and technical skills appropriate to the rural context in order to include young people in the agricultural development and agribusiness of rural areas. This means delivery of education that is rural, local and particular to the context, with appropriate technology, pedagogy and curriculum. Research limitations/implications - The concepts and argument are of wide significance. The case study findings should not be readily generalised but the implications will relevant to many remote and marginalised communities where the rural economy is weak, opportunities are few and education resources are scarce. Originality/value - The paper links different literatures and, by also drawing on empirical evidence consistent with the literature, makes a case for a significant reorientation of rural education towards appropriate life-skills in order to create viable rural livelihoods.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/20440831311321656
机译:目的-本文的目的是主张对农村青年进行适当的正规教育,以维持和增强可行的农村社区。设计/方法/方法-在回顾文献时,它弥合了教育和发展思想之间的鸿沟,并将学校与生计,人力和社会资本以及生活技能的概念联系起来。举例来说,它总结了对墨西哥恰帕斯州土著社区中远程教育的内容和交付情况的实证研究。调查结果-发展中国家和新兴经济体和地区应优先考虑有效和高效的农村教育,其中应纳入适合农村情况的实践和技术技能,以使年轻人参与农村地区的农业发展和农业综合企业。这意味着要通过适当的技术,教学法和课程,提供农村,地方和特定背景的教育。研究的局限性/意义-概念和论点具有广泛的意义。案例研究的结果不应一概而论,但其含义将与农村经济薄弱,机会少,教育资源匮乏的许多偏远和边缘化社区有关。原创性/价值-本文将不同的文献联系起来,并且还利用与文献相符的经验证据,为农村教育向适当的生活技能进行重大调整以创造可行的农村生计提供了理由。 //dx.doi.org/10.1108/20440831311321656



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