首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Racial disparity in influenza vaccination: does managed care narrow the gap between African Americans and whites?

Racial disparity in influenza vaccination: does managed care narrow the gap between African Americans and whites?


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CONTEXT: Substantial racial disparities exist in use of some health services. Whether managed care could reduce racial disparities in the use of preventive services is not known. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the magnitude of racial disparity in influenza vaccination is smaller among managed care enrollees than among those with fee-for-service insurance. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The 1996 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey of a US cohort of 13 674 African American and white Medicare beneficiaries with managed care and fee-for-service insurance. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Percentage of respondents (adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, clinical comorbid conditions, and care-seeking attitudes) who received influenza vaccination and magnitude of racial disparity in influenza vaccination, compared among those with managed care and fee-for-service insurance. RESULTS: Eight percent of the beneficiaries were African American and 11% were enrolled in managed care. Overall, 65.8% received influenza vaccination. Whites were substantially more likely to be vaccinated than African Americans (67.7% vs 46.1%; absolute disparity, 21.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 18.2%-25.0%). Managed care enrollees were more likely than those with fee-for-service insurance to receive influenza vaccination (71.2% vs 65.4%; difference, 5.8%; 95% CI, 3.6%-8.3%). The adjusted racial disparity in fee-for-service was 24.9% (95% CI, 19.6%-30.1%) and in managed care was 18.6% (95% CI, 9.8%-27.4%). These adjusted racial disparities were both statistically significant, but the absolute percentage point difference in racial disparity between the 2 insurance groups (6.3%; 95% CI, -4.6% to 17.2%) was not. CONCLUSION: Managed care is associated with higher rates of influenza vaccination for both whites and African Americans, but racial disparity in vaccination is not reduced in managed care. Our results suggest that additional efforts are needed to adequately address this disparity.
机译:背景:使用某些保健服务时存在很大的种族差异。管理性护理是否可以减少使用预防性服务时的种族差异尚不清楚。目的:确定在管理型流感患者中,在流感疫苗接种中的种族差异程度是否小于拥有按服务付费保险的人群。设计,地点和参与者:1996年Medicare当前受益人调查,该研究针对美国13 674名拥有管理医疗和收费医疗保险的非洲裔美国人和白人Medicare受益人。主要观察指标:与接受管理的医疗和有偿服务保险的受访者相比,接受流感疫苗接种和流感疫苗接种中种族差异的程度(针对社会人口统计学特征,临床合并疾病和就医态度进行调整)。结果:8%的受益人是非裔美国人,11%的人接受了管理式护理。总体而言,有65.8%的人接受了流感疫苗接种。白人比非裔美国人更有可能接受疫苗接种(67.7%比46.1%;绝对差异为21.6%; 95%置信区间[CI]为18.2%-25.0%)。管理型医疗服务的登记者比有付费医疗保险的登记者更有可能接受流感疫苗接种(71.2%比65.4%;差异为5.8%; 95%CI为3.6%-8.3%)。调整后的服务费种族差异为24.9%(95%CI,19.6%-30.1%),而在托管治疗中,种族差异为18.6%(95%CI,9.8%-27.4%)。这些调整后的种族差异均具有统计学意义,但两个保险组(6.3%; 95%CI,-4.6%至17.2%)之间的种族差异的绝对百分率差异不大。结论:管理式护理与白人和非裔美国人的流感疫苗接种率较高相关,但是管理式护理并未减少疫苗接种中的种族差异。我们的结果表明,需要更多的努力来充分解决这种差异。



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