首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology >New Species and Records of the Genus Basanus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), part 2

New Species and Records of the Genus Basanus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), part 2

机译:Basanus Lacordaire属的新物种和新记录(鞘翅目,Tenebrionidae),第2部分

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Newly collected specimens of the genus Basanus LACORDAIRE, 1859 from southeastern Asia are presented including new species (Basanus becvari n. sp. from W Malaysia, Basanus brendelli n. sp. from Borneo, Basanus erberi n. sp. from Sumatra), new interpretations of older taxa (Basanus annamitus GEBIEN, 1925 n. stat.), and new distributional data of some species. The shape of the aedeagus is quite simple and similar in all species and not useful for morphological diagnosis. However, the constant dorsal colour pattern, the body size and shape, as well as the extent of the dorsal punctation are considered as species characters. A species-list of the genus is compiled (26 species and 7 doubtful taxa).
机译:介绍了新近收集的来自东南亚的1859年Basanus LACORDAIRE属的标本,包括新物种(来自W马来西亚的Basanus becvari n。sp。,来自婆罗洲的Basanus brendelli n。sp。,来自苏门答腊的Basanus erberi n。sp。),新解释较旧的分类单元(Basanus annamitus GEBIEN,1925年,国家统计),以及某些物种的新分布数据。七叶树的形状在所有物种中都非常简单且相似,对形态学诊断没有帮助。然而,恒定的背色模式,体型和形状以及背点的程度被认为是物种特征。编制属的物种列表(26个物种和7个可疑类群)。



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