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End of life care - A concept for home and paEEiativs outpatient rrtartaqement


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When there is no cure for an illness our attention turns to treating the unpleasant symptoms that our patients experience. This involves a broad spectrum of care with the terminal care often being called hospice and palliative care. The primary focus is controlling the patient's symptoms such as pain and shortness of breath. We also address ethical questions while dealing with psy-chosocial problems. This work is possible because of the cooperative structures of palliative care with their palliative care teams [Palliativer Konsiliardienst (PKD)]. There are 30 regionally organized palliative nets. The situation in Dortmund provides an example for these structures.The palliative nets provide the necessary support and palliative care for the patients. Most patients predominantly suffer from late stage malignancies. Those patients with other terminal medical diseases, such as chronic heart failure, end stage renal disease, cirrhosis, COPD and stroke, benefit tremendously when their symptoms are addressed. People can choose to die at home surrounded by those they love when the patient and family receive this type of palliative support. The established structures support general palliative care and enable a specialized ambulant palliative care. Ethical questions are resolved together with the patient, their caregivers and the palliative team. Informed decisions are made to discontinue certain treatments or to waive life-prolonging procedures. Hospital admissions are minimized in this way.
机译:当无法治愈疾病时,我们的注意力将转向治疗我们患者所经历的不适症状。这涉及广泛的护理,而最终护理通常称为临终关怀和姑息治疗。主要重点是控制患者的症状,例如疼痛和呼吸急促。我们在处理心理社会问题时也要解决道德问题。由于姑息治疗与其姑息治疗团队之间的合作结构,这项工作之所以可行[Palliativer Konsiliardienst(PKD)]。有30个区域组织的姑息网。多特蒙德的情况就是这些结构的一个例子。姑息治疗网为患者提供了必要的支持和姑息治疗。大多数患者主要患有晚期恶性肿瘤。那些患有其他终末期医学疾病(例如慢性心力衰竭,终末期肾脏疾病,肝硬化,COPD和中风)的患者在解决症状时会受益匪浅。当患者和家人获得这种姑息治疗时,人们可以选择在自己所爱的人包围的家里死去。既定的结构可支持一般姑息治疗,并能够进行专门的救护车姑息治疗。道德问题将与患者,其护理人员和姑息治疗小组一起解决。做出明智的决定以终止某些治疗或放弃延长寿命的程序。以这种方式将住院人数减至最少。



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