首页> 外文期刊>Zoo Biology >Initial founders of captive populations are genetically representative of natural populations in critically endangered dusky gopher frogs, Lithobates sevosus

Initial founders of captive populations are genetically representative of natural populations in critically endangered dusky gopher frogs, Lithobates sevosus

机译:圈养种群的最初建立者在遗传上代表了极度濒危的昏暗地鼠蛙,Lithobates sevosus中的自然种群

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The rapid rate of decline in amphibian populations has urged many researchers and conservationists to establish captive, or ex situ, populations. Such populations are guarded against effects of habitat loss and degradation, and if actively managed, can serve as a reservoir for rare alleles that might be lost in the wild. Without proper management, ex situ population sizes can dwindle and will no longer perform this function. The dusky gopher frog, Lithobates sevosus, is a critically endangered species, imperiled by habitat loss and population isolation. To assist in recovery of the species and prevent further genetic erosion, a captive breeding program was initiated. We investigated how well natural genetic variation was captured within the ex situ population and determined relatedness within each ex situ population. We genotyped individuals from two natural populations and two founding, captive populations to compare metrics of genetic variation and relatedness. The data show the initial founder populations are genetically representative of the natural populations, although variation is low in each, and that relatedness values are similar. Therefore, founding captive populations were successful at capturing genetic variation in the wild. Future research should continue to compare genetic variation of captive and natural populations to monitor efficacy of their management programs. Zoo Biol. 35:378-384, 2016. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:两栖动物种群数量的迅速下降促使许多研究人员和保护主义者建立圈养种群或非原生种群。这类种群受到保护,免受生境丧失和退化的影响,如果得到有效管理,它们可以充当可能在野外流失的稀有等位基因的贮藏库。如果没有适当的管理,异地种群的数量将会减少,并且将不再执行此功能。昏暗的地鼠蛙Lithobates sevosus是一种极度濒危的物种,因栖息地丧失和种群隔离而受到危害。为了帮助恢复该物种并防止进一步的遗传侵蚀,启动了圈养繁殖计划。我们调查了自然遗传变异在异地种群中的捕获情况,并确定了每个异地种群之间的相关性。我们对来自两个自然种群和两个建立的圈养种群的个体进行了基因分型,以比较遗传变异和相关性的指标。数据显示,最初的建立者种群在遗传上代表了自然种群,尽管每个种群的变异都很低,并且相关性值相似。因此,建立圈养种群成功捕获了野生环境中的遗传变异。未来的研究应继续比较圈养和自然种群的遗传变异,以监测其管理计划的有效性。动物园生物学。 35:378-384,2016.(c)2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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