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The Origin of the Vertebrate Jaw: Neoclassical Ideas Versus Newer, Development-Based Ideas


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Here I consider ways to test two hypotheses of the origin of jawed vertebrates: my neoclassical hypothesis, which derived from comparative morphology; and the heterotopic hypothesis, which derives from modern developmental findings. The heterotopic hypothesis, unlike the neoclassical hypothesis, says that major developmental changes had to occur before the upper jaws could evolve: a caudal shift in the expression domains of genes that pattern oral structures; and the loss of ancestral, lamprey-like upper lips. To test whether these did occur, I propose studies on the development of chondrichthyans (sharks and chimaeroid ratfishes), an understudied group that is likely to retain primitive features of the jaw region. The heterotopic hypothesis says no gnathostome retains the upper lip that is so prominent in larval lampreys, yet the neoclassical hypothesis identified such lips in sharks and ratfishes, and it predicts that their lip-skeleton likewise develops from premandibular neural crest. The development and innervation of upper-lip muscles in lampreys and chimaeroids can also be compared. The proposed studies can determine if the upper lips of chondrichthyans and lampreys are homologous (which would support the neoclassical hypothesis), or homoplasious (which would support the heterotopic hypothesis).Also, I argue that the evolution of the upper jaws (as lateral structures) was not linked to a nasohypophyseal complex (which is a median structure), although such a link is claimed by the heterotopic hypothesis. Finally, I update the neoclassical hypothesis to address recent evidence that the trabeculae of the lamprey skull are not homologous to the trabeculae cranii of gnathostomes.
机译:在这里,我考虑了检验颌骨脊椎动物起源的两个假设的方法:我的新古典主义假设,该假设源于比较形态学;以及异位假设,该假设源自现代发展发现。异位假设与新古典假设不同,认为上颚发展之前必须发生重大的发育变化:模式化口腔结构的基因的表达域发生尾移;以及失去祖先的七lamp鳗样上唇。为了测试这些现象是否确实发生,我提出了关于软骨鱼类(鲨鱼和类鲑鱼)发育的研究,这是一个未被充分研究的群体,可能保留下颌区域的原始特征。异位假说说,没有钩状吻合器保留了在幼虫七so鱼中如此突出的上唇,但是新古典主义假说在鲨鱼和大鼠鱼中识别出了这种嘴唇,并且它预测它们的嘴唇骨骼也同样由下颌前神经develop发育而来。也可以比较七chi鳗和类痔中上唇肌肉的发育和神经支配。拟议的研究可以确定软骨鱼类和七lamp鳗的上唇是同源的(这将支持新古典主义假设)还是同质的(这将支持异位假设)。而且,我认为上颌的进化(作为侧向结构) )未与鼻下垂体复合物(其为中位结构)相关联,尽管异位假说声称这种关联。最后,我更新了新古典主义的假设以解决最近的证据,即七the鳗头骨的小梁与颅骨裂孔小梁不同源。



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