首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie >Holocene submerged shorelines on Theologos area (Greece)

Holocene submerged shorelines on Theologos area (Greece)


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Detailed mapping of coastline around Theologos area revealed the existence of well developed permanently submerged notches 75 +/- 10 cm below present mean sea level. The regional occurrence of well preserved submerged tidal notches suggests their coseismic origin. The submergence of this Holocene shoreline possibly occurred at 1894 AD. Average submergence rate of 6.08 mm/yr may be estimated by a well preserved recumbent U-shaped notch. The retreating point depth suggests that the developing period of the notch might have been of the order of as much as three thousand years. Several non in situ large rock blocks, containing marine fossils (Lithophaga, Vermetids, Serpulids) in growth position, seem to have been projected on the coast by a tsunami wave, which might have been caused by the same coseismic episode.
机译:Theologos地区周围海岸线的详细地图显示,在目前的平均海平面以下75 +/- 10厘米处,存在发育良好的永久淹没的缺口。保存良好的淹没潮汐口的区域性发生表明它们同震起源。全新世海岸线的淹没可能发生在公元1894年。可以通过保存完好的卧式U形缺口来估计平均淹没率6.08 mm / yr。退缩深度表明,凹口的发育期可能长达三千年。几个非原位大岩石块,其中生长位置包含海洋化石(Lithophaga,Vermetids,Serpulids),似乎是由同一波同地震引起的海啸投射到海岸上的。



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