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APC for min maintenance or max profit?-Part 2


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While I have promoted proper control system performance indicators since 1964, like Dr. Y. Zak Friedman,1 I also am aware of some deeper problems with realizing its full commercial potential. Friedman once publically claimed Clifftent24 was no panacea,without seeing it in action. Moreover, he charged, without any basis, that Clifftent, a mathematical procedure, could lead to burning down a furnace. My experience is proper deployment of Clifftent to operate the HPI would mitigate such events because it mandates careful modeling of the financial consequences of exceeding properly set limits like burning down furnaces, so operators would be using better information and models to make appropriate setpoint decisions for risky tradeoffs. Determining such effects rather than ignoring them is the main idea of science, mathematics and engineering. I refrain from blaming MVC, PID, LP, SQC, feed-forward, inferentials, six-sigma, statistics, calculus or madiematics for burning down furnaces.
机译:自1964年以来我就一直在推广适当的控制系统性能指标,例如Y. Zak Friedman博士1,但我也意识到在实现其全部商业潜力方面存在一些更深层次的问题。弗里德曼(Friedman)曾经公开宣称Clifftent24并非万能药,没有看到它的作用。此外,他毫无根据地指控数学程序Clifftent可能会导致炉子烧毁。我的经验是,适当部署Clifftent来操作HPI可以减轻此类事件的发生,因为它要求对超出适当设置的限制(例如烧掉炉子)的财务后果进行仔细的建模,因此操作员将使用更好的信息和模型来为风险做出适当的设定点决策权衡。确定而不是忽略这些影响是科学,数学和工程学的主要思想。我不要责怪MVC,PID,LP,SQC,前馈,推论,六西格玛,统计,微积分或焚烧炉。



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