首页> 外文期刊>Human brain mapping >Evidence from pupillometry and fMRI indicates reduced neural response during vicarious social pain but not physical pain in autism

Evidence from pupillometry and fMRI indicates reduced neural response during vicarious social pain but not physical pain in autism


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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by substantial social deficits. The notion that dysfunctions in neural circuits involved in sharing another's affect explain these deficits is appealing, but has received only modest experimental support. Here we evaluated a complex paradigm on the vicarious social pain of embarrassment to probe social deficits in ASD as to whether it is more potent than paradigms currently in use. To do so we acquired pupillometry and fMRI in young adults with ASD and matched healthy controls. During a simple vicarious physical pain task no differences emerged between groups in behavior, pupillometry, and neural activation of the anterior insula (AIC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). In contrast, processing complex vicarious social pain yielded reduced responses in ASD on all physiological measures of sharing another's affect. The reduced activity within the AIC was thereby explained by the severity of autistic symptoms in the social and affective domain. Additionally, behavioral responses lacked correspondence with the anterior cingulate and anterior insula cortex activity found in controls. Instead, behavioral responses in ASD were associated with hippocampal activity. The observed dissociation echoes the clinical observations that deficits in ASD are most pronounced in complex social situations and simple tasks may not probe the dysfunctions in neural pathways involved in sharing affect. Our results are highly relevant because individuals with ASD may have preserved abilities to share another's physical pain but still have problems with the vicarious representation of more complex emotions that matter in life. Hum Brain Mapp, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的特征是大量的社会缺陷。有关共享他人情感的神经回路功能异常的观点可以解释这些缺陷,这一观点很有吸引力,但仅得到了适度的实验支持。在这里,我们评估了关于尴尬的替代性社会痛苦的复杂范式,以探究ASD中的社会缺陷是否比当前使用的范式更有效。为此,我们在患有ASD并匹配健康对照的年轻人中获得了瞳孔测量和功能磁共振成像。在简单的替代性身体疼痛任务中,行为,瞳孔测定以及前岛(AIC)和前扣带回皮层(ACC)的神经激活在两组之间没有差异。相反,处理复杂的替代性社会痛苦会降低ASD对共享他人情感的所有生理指标的反应。因此,AIC内活动减少的原因是社交和情感领域自闭症症状的严重性。此外,行为反应与对照中发现的前扣带回和前岛岛皮层活动缺乏对应。相反,ASD中的行为反应与海马活动相关。观察到的分离反应与临床观察相呼应,即在复杂的社会环境中,ASD的缺陷最为明显,简单的任务可能无法探讨参与情感共享的神经通路的功能障碍。我们的结果具有高度相关性,因为自闭症患者可能保留了分享他人身体疼痛的能力,但仍然无法替代生活中更复杂的情绪的替代表达。嗡嗡的大脑Mapp,2015年。(c)2015 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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