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Seven ring (X) chromosomes lacking the XIST locus, six with an unexpectedly mild phenotype.


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Small ring (X) chromosomes lacking the XIST gene at Xq13.2 have been associated with a severe phenotype that includes mental retardation, facial dysmorphism and congenital abnormalities. It has been hypothesised that the loss of XIST results in functional disomy for the sequences contained in the ring. We studied 47 females with a 45,X/46,r(X) karyotype and found seven to have an XIST-negative ring. Only one of the seven patients had the severe phenotype. The remaining six patients had physical phenotypes consistent with Turner syndrome. The rings were characterised cytogenetically and molecularly. The severe phenotype in one patient can be explained by the absence of XIST expression, the relatively large amount of Xp material in the ring and, possibly, the concomitant maternal uniparental isodisomy. We propose three explanations for the unexpectedly mild phenotypes in the remaining six patients; (1) the rings contained limited amounts of X-chromosome material, and sequences that, when functionally disomic, result in a severe phenotype were absent; (2) mosaicism resulting in the absence of the ring from tissues, such as the brain, which are important in the severe phenotype and (3) the presence of an inactive X in some tissues at some time, exemplified by the demonstration of XIST expression in one patient.
机译:Xq13.2处缺少XIST基因的小环(X)染色体已与一种严重的表型相关,包括智力低下,面部畸形和先天性异常。假设XIST的丢失导致环中所含序列的功能性二体化。我们研究了47名45,X / 46,r(X)核型的雌性,发现7名具有XIST阴性环。七名患者中只有一名患有严重的表型。其余六名患者的身体表型与特纳综合征相符。这些环在细胞遗传学和分子学上都有特征。一名患者的严重表型可以通过XIST表达的缺失,环中Xp物质的含量较高以及可能伴随的母亲单亲等位线切开来解释。对于其余六名患者中意想不到的轻度表型,我们提出了三种解释。 (1)环中包含有限数量的X染色体物质,并且缺少在功能上是二体性时会导致严重表型的序列; (2)马赛克导致缺少组织(例如大脑)的环,这对严重的表型很重要;(3)某些组织在某些时间存在无活性的X,以XIST表达的表现为例一位病人



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