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Two common endoglin mutations in families with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in the Netherlands Antilles: evidence for a founder effect.


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Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant bleeding disorder characterized by localized angiodysplasia. Mutations in either of two genes, endoglin or ALK-1, can cause HHT. Both genes encode putative receptors for the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily of ligands. Many mutations in each gene have been identified in HHT kindreds from around the world, and with few exceptions mutations are unique and family specific. The prevalence of HHT in the Leeward Islands of the Netherlands Antilles is possibly the highest of any geographical location. We wished to establish whether this high prevalence is due to a genetic founder effect or to multiple mutational events. HHT kindreds from the Netherlands Antilles and The Netherlands were screened for mutations in the two genes associated with HHT. Haplotype analysis of a 5-cM region on chromosome 9 flanking the endoglin gene revealed three distinct disease haplotypes in the ten Antillean families studied. Seven of these families share a splice-site mutation in exon 1 of endoglin. Two other Antillean families share a missense mutation in exon 9a of endoglin. This mutation was also found in a Dutch family that shares the same disease haplotype as the Antillean families with this mutation. Thus it appears that HHT in the Netherlands Antilles is due to a limited number of ancestral mutations in the endoglin gene, and that one of these mutations was introduced into the African slave population by a Dutch colonist. The limited scope of mutations suggests that a presymptomatic screening program for HHT would be feasible in this population.
机译:遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症(HHT)是一种常染色体显性遗传性出血性疾病,其特征是局限性血管增生。内皮糖蛋白或ALK-1这两个基因中的任何一个突变均可引起HHT。两个基因都编码配体的转化生长因子-β超家族的推定受体。在世界各地的HHT亲属中已经鉴定出每个基因中的许多突变,并且几乎没有例外,突变是独特的并且是家族特异性的。 HHT在荷属安的列斯的背风群岛的患病率可能是所有地理位置中最高的。我们希望确定这种高患病率是由于遗传创始人效应还是由于多种突变事件。筛选了来自荷属安的列斯群岛和荷兰的HHT亲属,筛选了与HHT相关的两个基因中的突变。在内皮糖蛋白基因侧翼的9号染色体上的5-cM区的单倍型分析揭示了在所研究的10个安的列斯家族中三种不同的疾病单倍型。这些家族中的七个在内皮糖蛋白外显子1上共有一个剪接位点突变。其他两个Antillean家族在内皮糖蛋白外显子9a中共有一个错义突变。在与这种突变的安提尔(Antillean)家庭具有相同疾病单倍型的荷兰家庭中也发现了这种突变。因此,似乎荷属安的列斯群岛的HHT归因于内皮糖蛋白基因中有限的祖先突变,并且这些突变之一是由荷兰殖民者引入非洲奴隶群体的。突变的范围有限,表明在该人群中进行HHT的症状前筛查程序是可行的。



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