首页> 外文期刊>Helvetica Physica Acta: Official Journal of the Swiss Physical Society >Approximate rydberg states of the hydrogen atom that are concentrated near Kepler orbits

Approximate rydberg states of the hydrogen atom that are concentrated near Kepler orbits


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We study the semiclassical limit for bound states of the Hydrogen atom Hamiltonian H(h) = -h(2)/2 Delta - 1/x For each Kepler orbit of the corresponding classical system, we construct a lowest order quasimode psi(h, x) for H(h) when the appropriate Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions are satisfied. This means that psi(h,x) is an approximate solution of the Schrodinger equation in the sense that [H(h) - E(h)] psi(h(1)) less than or equal to Ch(3/2) psi(h,). The probability density psi(h, x)(2) is concentrated near the Kepler ellipse in position space, and its Fourier transform has probability density psi(h, xi)(2) concentrated near the Kepler circle in momentum space. Although the existence of such states has been demonstrated previously, the ideas that underlie our time-dependent construction are intuitive and elementary. [References: 14]
机译:我们研究氢原子哈密顿量H(h)= -h(2)/ 2δ-1 / x 的束缚态的半经典极限。对于相应经典系统的每个开普勒轨道,我们构造一个最低阶拟模psi(当满足适当的Bohr-Sommerfeld条件时,H(h)的h,x)。这意味着psi(h,x)在 [H(h)-E(h)] psi(h(1))小于或等于Ch( 3/2) psi(h,)。概率密度 psi(h,x)(2)集中在位置空间的开普勒椭圆附近,其傅立叶变换的概率密度 psi(h,xi)(2)集中在动量空间的开普勒圆附近。尽管这种状态的存在已在前面进行了证明,但构成我们随时间变化的构造基础的思想是直观且基本的。 [参考:14]



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