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A questionnaire to measure satisfaction with community services for informal carers of stroke patients: construction and initial piloting.


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Stroke affects 120 000 people each year in the UK and is the most common cause of adult-onset disability. Most stroke patients are cared for at home by informal carers. Support for these carers is provided by the community services, but although single-item measures have shown that there is a relatively high level of dissatisfaction with those services, there is no specific satisfaction measurement instrument. The present study aimed to construct and initially validate a questionnaire to measure carers' satisfaction with community services for clinical and research purposes. Qualitative interviews with a purposive sample of informal carers of stroke patients identified via stroke unit discharge records gave information about content, context and language. Together with information from the carers' literature, this formed the basis of the questionnaire. A self-completion questionnaire proved unacceptable to carers with a very poor response rate (20%). Face-to-face interviews were more acceptable, with the questionnaire taking approximately 10 minutes to administer. All carers approached agreed to take part and only three carers dropped out from follow up, all because of reasons not related to the study. Initial validity and reliability testing with a sample of 44 carers identified through stroke groups and general practice showed good correlation with a single-item satisfaction measure (RHO = 0.797), test-retest reliability (RHO = 0.885) and inter-rater reliability (RHO = 0.868), and a high degree of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.859). Further validation with larger and more diverse groups of informal carers is needed before the questionnaire can be considered to be a robust and reliable tool. Factor analysis revealed seven factors: information about community support and involving the carer; amount, appropriateness and coordination of services; information about stroke; speed of change and concern about the carer; listening to the carer and being heard; problem management; and confidence in and accuracy of information. These factors have marked similarities to those found in the field of patient satisfaction with community services.
机译:在英国,中风每年影响12万人,是成年残疾的最常见原因。大多数中风患者由非正式护理人员在家照顾。社区服务为这些照顾者提供了支持,但是尽管单项措施显示出对这些服务的不满程度较高,但没有特定的满意度衡量工具。本研究旨在构建并初步验证问卷,以衡量护理人员对出于临床和研究目的的社区服务的满意度。通过中风单位出院记录对中风患者非正式护理者的目标样本进行的定性访谈,提供了有关内容,背景和语言的信息。连同护理人员文献中的信息一起,这构成了问卷的基础。自我护理调查表的回答者对答覆率极低(20%)的人来说是不可接受的。面对面访谈更可接受,问卷大约需要10分钟才能完成。所有与之接触的护理人员都同意参加,只有三名护理人员退出了随访,这都是由于与研究无关的原因。通过卒中组和一般实践确定的44名护理人员的样本进行的初始有效性和可靠性测试显示,其与单项满意度测评(RHO = 0.797),重测信度(RHO = 0.885)和评估者间信度(RHO)具有良好的相关性。 = 0.868)和高度的内部一致性(Cronbach's alpha = 0.859)。在将调查表视为一个强大而可靠的工具之前,需要与更大和更多不同的非正式照护人进行进一步的验证。因素分析揭示了七个因素:关于社区支持和照顾者参与的信息;服务的数量,适当性和协调性;有关中风的信息;变化的速度和对照顾者的关注;聆听照顾者并被听到;问题管理;对信息的信心和准确性。这些因素与患者对社区服务的满意度领域存在明显的相似之处。



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