首页> 外文期刊>Health & place >Adolescent smoking risk increases with wider income gaps between rich and poor

Adolescent smoking risk increases with wider income gaps between rich and poor


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Data from a state-wide survey of California middle and high school students (N=20,203) were used to assess whether county income inequality and poverty rates were associated with adolescent smoking. Greater county income inequality, but not poverty rates, was associated with higher established smoking risk (p=0.0019). The association was stronger in males than females, whites than other ethnic groups, and urban than rural settings. Neither county income inequality nor poverty rates were associated with experimental smoking. The findings suggest that it may be important to consider and address economic inequality in the prevention and control of adolescent tobacco use.
机译:来自加利福尼亚州初中和高中学生的全州调查(N = 20,203)的数据用于评估县收入不平等和贫困率是否与青少年吸烟有关。更大的县收入不平等,而不是贫困率,与较高的既定吸烟风险相关(p = 0.0019)。男性比女性强,白人比其他种族强,城市比农村强。县收入不平等和贫困率均与实验性吸烟无关。研究结果表明,在预防和控制青少年烟草使用中考虑和解决经济不平等可能很重要。



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