
The role of perceived benefits and costs in patients' medical decisions


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Background Many decisions can be understood in terms of actors' valuations of benefits and costs. The article investigates whether this is also true of patient medical decision making. It aims to investigate (i) the importance patients attach to various reasons for and against nine medical decisions; (ii) how well the importance attached to benefits and costs predicts action or inaction; and (iii) how such valuations are related to decision confidence. Methods In a national random digit dial telephone survey of U.S. adults, patients rated the importance of various reasons for and against medical decisions they had made or talked to a health-care provider about during the past 2years. Participants were 2575 English-speaking adults age 40 and older. Data were analysed by means of logistic regressions predicting action/inaction and linear regressions predicting confidence. Results Aggregating individual reasons into those that may be regarded as benefits and those that may be regarded as costs, and weighting them by their importance to the patient, shows the expected relationship to action. Perceived benefits and costs are also significantly related to the confidence patients report about their decision. Conclusion The factors patients say are important in their medical decisions reflect a subjective weighing of benefits and costs and predict action/inaction although they do not necessarily indicate that patients are well informed. The greater the difference between the importance attached to benefits and costs, the greater patients' confidence in their decision.
机译:背景可以根据行为者对收益和成本的评估来理解许多决定。本文调查了患者医疗决策是否同样如此。目的是调查(i)患者对九种医疗决策的各种理由的重视程度; (ii)对收益和成本的重视程度如何预测行动或不作为; (iii)该等估值与决策信心如何相关。方法在一项针对美国成年人的全国随机数字拨号电话调查中,患者对过去两年来与医疗保健提供者做出或与他们进行过医疗决策的各种原因的重要性进行了评估。参加者为2575名40岁及以上的说英语的成年人。通过预测行为/不作为的逻辑回归和预测置信度的线性回归分析数据。结果将单个原因汇总为可以视为收益的原因和可以视为成本的原因,并通过其对患者的重要性对其进行加权,从而显示了预期的行为关系。感知的收益和成本还与患者报告其决定的信心密切相关。结论患者认为在其医疗决策中很重要的因素反映了患者对收益和成本的主观权衡,并预测了作为/不作为,尽管它们不一定表明患者已充分了解情况。对收益和成本的重视程度之间的差异越大,患者对其决策的信心就越大。



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