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Big Boys Get Into Small-Scale LNG


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After years of talk, moves to create a small-scale LNG hub in Europe are finally taking off, spurred by the introduction next January of stricter sulfur regulations for marine bunker fuel in the North and Baltic Seas. Two such hubs have been announced over the past month — one spearheaded by Royal Dutch Shell and the other by France's GDF Suez — which both plan to enter service in 2016 bunkering ships using supplies from big adjacent import terminals. Shell will be the maiden customer for a new break-bulk facility at the 8.7 million ton per year Gate regasifi-cation terminal at the Dutch port of Rotterdam, while GDF is leading an international consortium that will develop a bunkering service 69 miles (111 kilometers) down the Zeeland coast at Belgium's 7.2 million ton/yr Zeebrugge terminal. GDF will be joined by a Japanese pairing of trading house Mitsubishi Corp. and shipper Nippon Yusen Kaisha.
机译:经过多年的讨论,在明年1月出台的针对北海和波罗的海海洋船用燃料的更严格的硫法规的刺激下,在欧洲建立小型LNG枢纽的行动终于开始了。在过去的一个月中,已经宣布了两个这样的枢纽-一个由荷兰皇家壳牌集团牵头,另一个由法国GDF Suez牵头-两者都计划在2016年开始使用来自相邻大型进口码头的补给品进行加油。壳牌将是一家新的散杂货工厂的首个客户,该工厂位于荷兰鹿特丹港口,年产能为870万吨,在门口加气化码头,而GDF牵头的一个国际财团将开发69英里(111公里)的加油服务),位于比利时每年720万吨的Zeebrugge码头的Zeeland海岸。日本贸易公司三菱商事株式会社和托运人日本邮船株式会社Yusha将加入GDF。



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