首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington >Taxonomy of nesomyine rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyidae: Nesomyinae):Designation of lectotypes and restriction of type localities for species-group taxa in the genus Nesomys Peters

Taxonomy of nesomyine rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyidae: Nesomyinae):Designation of lectotypes and restriction of type localities for species-group taxa in the genus Nesomys Peters

机译:Nesomyine啮齿类动物的分类学(Muroidea:Nesomyidae:Nesomyinae):Nesomys Peters属的物种群分类群的选型选择和类型位置限制

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Key foundational elements of taxonomic description were omitted in the original naming of species-group taxa now recognized in the Malagasy genus Nesomys: N. rufus Peters, 1870, N. audeberti (Jentink, 1879), and N. lambertoni G. Grandidier, 1928. Based on our review of the material available to the authors, we identified the holotype by monotypy of N. rufus, designated lectotypes of N. audeberti and N. lambertoni, restricted the type localities of N. audeberti and N. lambertoni, and localized the probable geographic source of the holotype of N. rufus. Refinement of the geographic source of N. lambertoni and N. rufus illuminates the incorrect placement of their type localities as currently interpreted and brings them within the presently understood distributions of those species. Extensive discussion is devoted to the travels of J. Audebert and A. Crossley, collectors not only of the types of N. audeberti and N. rufus, respectively, but also of important series of lemurs that remain relevant to understanding the taxonomy and distribution of these endangered mammals.
机译:分类学描述的关键基础要素在马达加斯加Nesomys现已认可的物种组分类群的原始命名中被省略:N。rufus Peters,1870年; N。audeberti(Jentink,1879年); N。lambertoni G.Grandidier,1928年根据我们对作者可用材料的评论,我们确定了rufus猪笼草的整型,即指定的N. audeberti和N. lambertoni的选型,限制了N. audeberti和N. lambertoni的类型局部性,并进行了局部化鲁弗氏猪笼草的可能的地理来源。拉姆伯尼猪笼草和鲁弗斯猪笼草的地理来源的完善阐明了目前解释的类型分布的不正确放置,并将它们带入了目前已知的那些物种分布中。广泛的讨论专门针对J. Audebert和A. Crossley的旅行,他们不仅收集了N. audeberti和N. rufus的种类,而且还收集了与理解分类和分布有关的重要狐猴系列。这些濒临灭绝的哺乳动物。



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