首页> 外文期刊>Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology >Endophytic occurrence of Sphaceloma murrayae on white willow (Salix alba) in Italy.

Endophytic occurrence of Sphaceloma murrayae on white willow (Salix alba) in Italy.

机译:在意大利的白柳( allix )上内生 Sphaceloma murrayae

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Despite being considered a common disease in countries such as New Zealand, Argentina and the United States, the occurrence in Europe of grey scab of willows incited by Sphaceloma murrayae has been reported quite recently, and to date no observation concerns Italy. An endophytic isolate of this foliar pathogen was recovered from the secondary branch of a white willow tree (Salix alba) in Basilicata. This finding represents the first documented report of S. murrayae from Italy and of its endophytic occurrence in S. alba.
机译:尽管在新西兰,阿根廷和美国等国被认为是一种常见疾病,但欧洲最近报道了 Sphaceloma murrayae 引起的杨柳灰sc病的发生,迄今尚未观察到有关意大利。这种叶状病原体的内生分离物是从巴西利卡塔的白柳树次生分支中得到的。这一发现代表了 S的第一个记录报告。意大利的墨累科及其在 S中的内生发生。阿尔巴



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