首页> 外文期刊>Travel medicine and infectious disease >Prophylactic immunisation against traveller's diarrhoea caused by enterotoxin-forming strains of Escherichia coli and against cholera: Does it make sense and for whom?

Prophylactic immunisation against traveller's diarrhoea caused by enterotoxin-forming strains of Escherichia coli and against cholera: Does it make sense and for whom?


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Traveller's diarrhoea TD constitutes the most common disease relevant to travel medicine with ETEC as the leading causative pathogen. Cholera is the most serious, but very rare form of TD. ETEC and cholera share pathogenic mechanisms by producing a toxin that has an 80% amino acid homology. A consensus of German-speaking experts sees the indication to use the whole cell/B subunit oral cholera vaccine WC-BS if cholera is a risk for aid workers or travellers with an anticipated threat of cholera who stay under poor hygienic conditions. The use of the vaccine should be considered in the indication to avoid ETEC TD for travellers with predisposing illness or medication or for travellers at risk to develop a serious course.
机译:旅行者腹泻TD是与旅行药物相关的最常见疾病,其中ETEC为主要病原体。霍乱是最严重的TD,但非常罕见。 ETEC和霍乱通过产生具有80%氨基酸同源性的毒素而共享致病机制。会说德语的专家一致认为,如果霍乱对生活在不良卫生条件下的霍乱患者有帮助,可能会对援助工作者或霍乱患者造成威胁,因此建议使用全细胞/ B亚单位口服霍乱疫苗WC-BS。在适应症中应考虑使用疫苗,以避免对患有易感疾病或药物的旅行者或有发展严重病程的旅行者避免使用ETEC TD。



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