首页> 外文期刊>Traffic Injury Prevention >Agricultural Vehicles and Rural Road Safety: Tackling a Persistent Problem

Agricultural Vehicles and Rural Road Safety: Tackling a Persistent Problem


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Objective: Crashes involving agricultural vehicles (AVs) on public roads are an increasing road safety problem. We aim to analyze developments in the appearance and severity of these accidents, identify influencing factors, and draw lessons for possible interventions for accident prevention within the context of modern mechanized agriculture. Methods: To analyze developments in the appearance of accidents we use a subset of accidents with AVs involved on public roads in The Netherlands aggregated per year for 1987-2010. To identify and explore preventive measures we use an in-depth study of the Dutch Safety Board. With a study of international literature we put our findings in a wider context. Results: During this time span, Dutch annual averages show 15 registered fatal accidents involving AVs, 93 with hospitalization and 137 with slight injuries. For nonfatal accidents, the numbers are decreasing over time. This decrease is proportionate to the reduction in the total number of traffic victims. For fatalities, however, the number is stable, increasing its proportion in all traffic fatalities from 1 in 1987 to 2 percent in 2010. Related to the number of inhabitants, this number is 2 times the value in the UK and 3 times the value in the United States. Influencing factors can be related to the 3 road system components (AV, driver, and infrastructure). Weak points for AVs are the view from the driver's seat, visibility at night, permitted vehicle width, and crash aggressivity (large kinetic energy of the AV) that is transferred to other road users in case of a collision. Important factors identified for the driver are poor risk perception and high risk acceptance, in combination with speeding, dysfunctional use such as the use of AVs as modes of transport to and from school, and driving on public roads without protecting or removing protruding and sharp components. For infrastructure, the focus is on road design and separation of AVs from other motor vehicles. Lessons to be learned follow from these accident factors. For AV drivers, a driver's training focusing on driving behavior in the presence of vulnerable road users and concluding with an examination is advised. For vehicle safety, actual practice in The Netherlands is inadequate for control of proper maintenance. Some permanent requirements for the AV are insufficiently specific (view) or effective (lighting) and too generous (width). For infrastructure, a wide range of measures is available. Conclusions: A targeted approach to all road system components is urgently needed to avoid a further worsening of existing problems and to reduce the above proportional role of AVs in road danger. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Traffic Injury Prevention to view the supplemental file.
机译:目标:涉及公共道路上的农用车辆(AV)的撞车事故是日益严重的道路安全问题。我们旨在分析这些事故的外观和严重程度的发展,确定影响因素,并为现代机械农业背景下的事故预防措施提供经验教训。方法:为了分析事故发生的发展,我们使用了1987-2010年期间荷兰每年在公共道路上涉及的AV的事故子集。为了确定和探索预防措施,我们对荷兰安全委员会进行了深入研究。通过对国际文学的研究,我们将我们的发现放在了更广阔的背景下。结果:在此时间段内,荷兰的年平均值显示15例登记的致命事故涉及AV,其中93例住院,137例轻伤。对于非致命事故,该数字随时间而减少。这种减少与交通受害者总数的减少成比例。但是,就死亡人数而言,这一数字是稳定的,其在所有交通死亡人数中的比例从1987年的1%增加到2010年的2%。与居民数量相关,这一数字是英国的2倍,是英国的3倍。美国。影响因素可能与3个道路系统组件(AV,驾驶员和基础设施)有关。 AV的弱点是驾驶员座位的视野,夜间的视野,允许的车辆宽度以及在发生碰撞时转移给其他道路使用者的碰撞侵略性(AV的大动能)。确定给驾驶员的重要因素是不良的风险感知和较高的风险接受度,以及超速行驶,功能失常的使用,例如将自动驾驶汽车用作往返学校的交通工具,以及在公共道路上驾驶而没有保护或移除突出的尖锐部件。在基础设施方面,重点是道路设计和将AV与其他机动车辆分开。从这些事故因素中可以吸取教训。对于AV驾驶员,建议进行驾驶员培训,重点是在易受伤害的道路使用者在场的情况下进行驾驶行为并进行检查。为了车辆安全,荷兰的实际做法不足以控制适当的维护。对AV的一些永久性要求不够具体(查看)或有效(照明)且过于慷慨(宽度)。对于基础设施,可以采取多种措施。结论:迫切需要针对所有道路系统组成部分采取有针对性的方法,以避免现有问题进一步恶化,并减少AV在道路危险中的上述比例作用。补充材料可用于本文。转到发布者的在线交通伤害预防在线版本以查看补充文件。



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