首页> 外文期刊>Tohoku mathematical journal >Combinatorial duality and intersection product: A direct approach

Combinatorial duality and intersection product: A direct approach


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The proof of the Combinatorial Hard Lefschetz Theorem for the "virtual" intersection cohomology of a not necessarily rational polytopal fan as presented by Karu completely establishes Stanley's conjectures for the generalized h-vector of an arbitrary polytope. The main ingredients, Poincare Duality and the Hard Lefschetz Theorem, rely on an intersection product. In its original constructions, given independently by Bressler and Lunts on the one hand, and by the authors of the present article on the other, there remained an apparent ambiguity. The recent solution of this problem by Bressler and Lunts uses the formalism of derived categories. The present article instead gives a straightforward approach to combinatorial duality and a natural intersection product, completely within the framework of elementary sheaf theory and commutative algebra, thus avoiding derived categories.
机译:由Karu提出的不一定是有理多面体扇形的“虚拟”相交同调的组合Hard Lefschetz定理的证明,完全建立了斯坦利关于任意多面体的广义h-向量的猜想。 Poincare对偶性和Hard Lefschetz定理的主要成分依赖于相交积。在其最初的构造中,一方面由Bressler和Lunts独立给出,另一方面由本文章的作者给出,仍然存在明显的歧义。 Bressler和Lunts最近解决此问题的方法使用派生类别的形式主义。相反,本文提供了一种简单的方法来实现组合对偶性和自然相交积,完全在基本捆理论和交换代数的框架内,从而避免了派生类别。



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