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Longitudinal comparison of thyroxine pharmacokinetics between pregnant and nonpregnant women: a stable isotope study.


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The treatment of maternal hypothyroidism presents clinicians with a unique challenge, because dosing regimens previously developed and validated for nonpregnant women cannot be easily extrapolated to dosing in pregnancy. Thyroid hormone requirement increases by 20% to 40% early during pregnancy, persisting throughout gestation. Accordingly, women with treated hypothyroidism need to increase their levothyroxine dose to prevent maternal hypothyroidism and the associated impaired cognitive development and increased fetal mortality. We investigated the pharmacokinetic properties of levothyroxine during pregnancy through the use of a novel, traceable form of levothyroxine. The objective was to conduct a longitudinal study to determine whether levothyroxine pharmacokinetics differ in the pregnant versus nonpregnant state. We used a unique C-levothyroxine-tracer method to distinguish between endogenous and exogenous levothyroxine and studied the pharmacokinetics of a single oral dose of levothyroxine using tandem mass spectrometry. Moreover, we were able to detect single dose amounts of the drug, in picogram/mL concentrations. The area under the curve was 23.0 ng*h/mL in pregnancy and 14.8 ng*h/mL in nonpregnant women (P < 0.03) with median serum half-lives of 32.1 hours and 24.1 hours, respectively (P < 0.04). Further research involves the measurement of free thyroxine on these samples using tandem mass spectrometry. Future work should focus on the mechanisms responsible for the gestational differences in pharmacokinetics and whether these should necessitate dose schedule changes in pregnancy.
机译:母体甲状腺功能减退症的治疗给临床医生带来了独特的挑战,因为先前为非孕妇开发和验证的给药方案不能轻易地推断为妊娠给药。在怀孕初期,甲状腺激素的需求量会增加20%至40%,并在整个妊娠期间持续存在。因此,患有甲状腺功能减退症的妇女需要增加左甲状腺素的剂量,以预防孕产妇甲状腺功能减退症及其相关的认知发育受损和胎儿死亡率增加。我们通过使用新型的,可追溯的形式的左甲状腺素研究了孕期左甲状腺素的药代动力学特性。目的是进行纵向研究,以确定左旋甲状腺素药代动力学在孕妇和非孕妇状态是否不同。我们使用独特的C-左甲状腺素-示踪剂方法来区分内源性和外源性左甲状腺素,并使用串联质谱法研究了单剂量口服左甲状腺素的药代动力学。此外,我们能够检测出单剂量的药物(以皮克/毫升为单位)。曲线下面积在怀孕时为23.0 ng * h / mL,在未怀孕妇女中为14.8 ng * h / mL(P <0.03),中位血清半衰期分别为32.1小时和24.1小时(P <0.04)。进一步的研究涉及使用串联质谱法测量这些样品上的游离甲状腺素。未来的工作应集中在引起药代动力学妊娠差异的机制上,以及这些机制是否应在怀孕期间改变剂量方案。



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