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Simple and efficient network decomposition and synchronization


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We present a simple and efficient method for constructing sparse decompositions of networks. This method is used to construct the sparse decompositions needed for variants of the synchronizers in [2, 15] in O(V) time and O(E + VlogV) communication complexities, while maintaining constant messages size and constant memory per edge. Using these decompositions, we present simple and efficient variants of the synchronizers in the above papers. For example, our constructions enable to perform Breadth First Search in an asynchronous network, in which no preprocessing had been done, in communication and time complexities of O(KVD + E + V log V) and O(D log(K) V + V), respectively, where K greater than or equal to 2 is a parameter, and D is the diameter of the network. We also present an efficient cover-coarsening algorithm, which uses a novel technique for efficient merging of clusters, and improves previous coarsening algorithms in several aspects. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 14]
机译:我们提出了一种构造网络稀疏分解的简单有效的方法。此方法用于构造O( V )时间和O( E + V log V )通信复杂度为[2,15]的同步器变体所需的稀疏分解,同时保持恒定消息大小和每个边缘的恒定内存。使用这些分解,我们在上述论文中介绍了同步器的简单有效的变体。例如,我们的构造可以在通信和时间复杂度为O(K V D + E + V log V )的异步网络中执行未进行预处理的广度优先搜索。和O(D log(K) V + V ),其中K大于或等于2是参数,D是网络的直径。我们还提出了一种有效的覆盖粗化算法,该算法使用一种新颖的技术对簇进行有效合并,并在多个方面改进了先前的粗化算法。 (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:14]



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