首页> 外文期刊>The journals of gerontology.Series A. Biological sciences and medical sciences >Kyphosis and decline in physical function over 15 years in older community-dwelling women: The study of osteoporotic fractures

Kyphosis and decline in physical function over 15 years in older community-dwelling women: The study of osteoporotic fractures


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BackgroundMaintaining physical function is an important prerequisite for preserving independence in later life. Greater degrees of kyphosis in the thoracic spine are prevalent in older persons and accompanied by reduced physical function in multiple cross-sectional studies. It is unknown whether kyphosis predicts worse physical function over time.Methods.We retrospectively assessed whether greater magnitude of kyphosis is associated with decline in self-reported and objectively measured physical function over 15 years. Digitized Cobb angle kyphosis (T4-T12) was derived from supine lateral thoracic spine radiographs in a cohort of 1,196 women aged 65 and older (mean = 69.3 years [SD = 4.0]). Using regression models, we evaluated associations of baseline kyphosis with both self-reported functional status and objectively measured gait speed, grip strength, and timed chair stands cross-sectionally and as change assessed over 15 years.Results.In cross-sectional multivariate analyses, with each 10-degree increment of kyphosis, grip strength was 0.24kg lower (p =. 02), but there were no significant associations between kyphosis and functional status, gait speed, or timed chair stand, likely reflecting the high functioning study participants. In multivariate longitudinal analysis, with each 10-degree increment in baseline kyphosis, there was 0.07 point additional decline in functional status (p =. 09), 0.01 m/s more decline in gait speed (p =. 07), and 0.32 s greater decline in time to complete five chair stands (p =. 004), but no association with decline in grip strength.Conclusions.Greater magnitude of kyphosis may predict worsening lower extremity function over time in older women. Early recognition and preventative measures against kyphosis progression may help preserve physical function over the long term.
机译:背景技术保持身体机能是维持晚年独立性的重要前提。胸部椎体后凸畸形程度较高,在老年人中很普遍,并且在多项横断面研究中均伴随着身体机能的降低。方法:我们回顾性评估了驼背的严重程度是否与15年以来自我报告和客观测量的身体功能下降有关。数字化Cobb角后凸畸形(T4-T12)来自1196名65岁以上女性(平均= 69.3岁[SD = 4.0])的仰卧位胸椎侧位X线照片。使用回归模型,我们评估了基线后凸畸形与自我报告的功能状态以及客观测量的步态速度,抓地力和定时躺椅的关联性,以及在15年内的变化评估结果。在横截面多变量分析中,驼背每升高10度,握力降低0.24kg(p = .02),但驼背与功能状态,步态速度或定时站立椅之间没有显着关联,这很可能反映了高功能研究参与者。在多变量纵向分析中,基线后凸畸变每增加10度,功能状态就会额外降低0.07点(p =。09),步态速度进一步降低0.01 m / s(p =。07),而0.32 s完成五个椅子站立的时间下降幅度更大(p =。004),但与握力的下降没有关系。结论。较大的后凸畸形可能预示着老年女性下肢功能随着时间的推移会恶化。早期识别和预防驼背病进展的措施可能有助于长期保持身体机能。



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