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Medical treatment of intersex: parental perspectives.


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PURPOSE: The recommendation for early genital surgery in children born with ambiguous genitalia has become a contentious topic. Some adult intersex patients contend that their parents were neither fully informed about the side effects of surgery nor able to predict the impact of these surgeries on sexual responsiveness. The parents of these intersex patients, on the other hand, often report that they were not given sufficient input into the treatment decisions for their children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 21 parents of 17, 46 XX children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and genital ambiguity completed multiple response questionnaires to gain a better understanding of parental perspective to include information provided in the neonatal period, the specifics of genital surgery and their recollection of the participation they were allowed in medical decision making for their child. RESULTS: The majority of parents of girls with CAH were satisfied with the information provided in the newborn period, and with the preoperative discussions and outcomes of the genital surgery their daughters underwent in infancy. Most thought that their daughters would lead a well-adjusted life. CONCLUSIONS: Most parents of minor females with CAH who were born with genital ambiguity indicated that they were well informed and involved in the medical care given to their daughters. In most instances parents indicated that genital surgery was indicated during infancy and should be undertaken even at the risk of reducing genital sensitivity.
机译:目的:对生殖器歧义出生的儿童进行早期生殖器手术的建议已成为一个有争议的话题。一些成年的性交患者认为他们的父母既没有充分了解手术的副作用,也无法预测这些手术对性反应的影响。另一方面,这些双性恋患者的父母经常报告说,他们没有为子女的治疗决策提供足够的投入。材料与方法:共有21名17、46 XX名先天性肾上腺皮质增生(CAH)和生殖器歧义的儿童的父母填写了多项回答问卷,以更好地了解父母的观点,包括新生儿期提供的信息,生殖器的特点手术及其回忆的参与,他们被允许为孩子做医疗决策。结果:大多数患有CAH的女孩的父母对新生儿期提供的信息以及对女儿进行婴儿期的生殖器手术的术前讨论和结果感到满意。多数人认为,他们的女儿会过上适度的生活。结论:大多数患有生殖器歧义的CAH未成年女性父母都表示,他们了解情况广,并参与了对女儿的医疗护理。在大多数情况下,父母表示在婴儿期进行了生殖器手术,即使有降低生殖器敏感性的风险也应进行。



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