首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of nursing education >Expert Modeling, Expert/Self-Modeling Versus Lecture: A Comparison of Learning, Retention, and Transfer of Rescue Skills in Health Professions Students

Expert Modeling, Expert/Self-Modeling Versus Lecture: A Comparison of Learning, Retention, and Transfer of Rescue Skills in Health Professions Students


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Background: It is unclear whether traditional lecture followed by simulation leads to the best learning and knowledge and skill retention over time. Method: A 3 x 4 mixed design study used three modes of education-traditional lecture with self-guided learning, expert modeling/dual viewing with brief questioning, and expert plus self-modeling-at four time points to compare knowledge, time to treat, and correct steps over time. Results: No significant differences were found in knowledge or time to treat between training methods. An expert modeling/dual viewing group with brief questioning performed more steps correctly (p = 0.05) than did the other two groups. Conclusion: Expert modeling may help students remember and perform a complex series of tasks in a scenario. Further research is needed to explore expert modeling for novice learners.
机译:背景:目前尚不清楚传统的讲课后再进行模拟是否可以带来最佳的学习,知识和技能保留。方法:3 x 4混合设计研究使用三种教育模式:具有自我指导学习能力的传统讲座,具有简短质询的专家建模/双重查看以及专家加自我建模–在四个时间点比较知识,治疗时间,并逐步纠正步骤。结果:两种训练方法的知识或治疗时间均无显着差异。与其他两个小组相比,具有简短询问的专家建模/双重查看小组正确执行了更多步骤(p = 0.05)。结论:专家建模可以帮助学生记住场景中的复杂任务并执行一系列复杂任务。需要进一步的研究来探索针对新手学习者的专家建模。



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