首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of arthroplasty >General Anesthesia: To catheterize or Not? A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study of Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty

General Anesthesia: To catheterize or Not? A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study of Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty


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This study was to investigate whether urinary catheterization could be avoided for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) under general anesthesia with saphenous nerve block. 314 patients from a single surgical team were randomized to receive either an indwelling urinary catheter or no urinary catheter before the surgery. The results revealed that the prevalence of postoperative urinary retention (POUR) was quite low in both groups (5.7% vs 6.4%, P=1). Additionally, the prevalence of urinary tract infection was significantly higher in patients using an indwelling catheter (5.1% vs 0.6%, P=0.036). We also identified age, male gender, ASA grade, benign prostatic hypertrophy, intraoperative intravenous fluid and duration of surgery as the risk factors for POUR in these patients. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All righs reserved.
机译:这项研究旨在探讨在全麻下大隐神经阻滞下进行全膝关节置换术(TKA)的患者是否可以避免导尿。来自一个手术团队的314例患者在手术前被随机分配接受导尿管或不导尿管。结果显示,两组的术后尿(留率(POUR)均很低(5.7%vs 6.4%,P = 1)。此外,使用留置导管的患者尿路感染的患病率明显更高(5.1%vs 0.6%,P = 0.036)。我们还将年龄,男性性别,ASA等级,良性前列腺肥大,术中静脉输液和手术时间确定为这些患者中POUR的危险因素。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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