首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of craniofacial surgery >Maxillomandibular advancement in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a surgical model to investigate reverse face lift.

Maxillomandibular advancement in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a surgical model to investigate reverse face lift.


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BACKGROUND: The aging process is characterized by multiple signs affecting the upper, the middle, and the lower third of the face; coventionally, face-lift procedures and structural fat grafting are performed to create a younger face. During the life, craniofacial skeleton atrophies, leading to a reduction of the facial height and depth, while increasing the facial width. Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) by orthognathic surgery restores the lost space dimension, projecting the cheeks, the mouth, and the nose. The aim of this study was to analyze the morphologic change of the face after MMA in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, focusing on the previously mentioned stigmata of the middle and the lower third of the aging face. METHODS: The records of 16 patients who underwent MMA for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome between January 2005 and December 2008 in the Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Novara Major Hospital were included in this study. We explained to the patients the stigmata of a standard aging face, and we asked them to evaluate each sign affecting the middle and the lower third of their preoperative condition. One positive point was given for the presence of each sign reported by the patients. At 2 years after surgery, we asked the patients to evaluate the previously mentioned aging signs of their postoperative face. Again, 1 positive point was given for the presence of each sign reported by the patients. RESULTS: Although we did not perform statistical evaluation, 13 patients showed a degree of rejuvenation after MMA (the score of the postoperative face is less than the score of the preoperative face). Three patients reported no postoperative change; none reported a more aging face, with a successful "reverse face-lift" occurred in 81% of our cases. CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous maxillary and mandibular advancements change the skeletal framework of the face, improving soft-tissue support and resulting in rejuvenation of the middle and the lower third of the face. This condition is demonstrated by the results of our study in that all patients appeared postoperatively more youthful from a self-evaluation.
机译:背景:衰老过程的特征是多个迹象影响面部的上,中,下三分之一。习惯上,进行了整容手术和结构性脂肪移植,以创建更年轻的脸。在生活中,颅面骨骼萎缩症导致面部高度和深度减少,同时面部宽度增加。通过正颌外科手术进行的颌下颌前移(MMA)可恢复失去的空间尺寸,突出脸颊,嘴巴和鼻子。这项研究的目的是分析阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症患者MMA后面部的形态变化,重点是前面提到的衰老面部中部和下部三分之一的柱头。方法:本研究纳入了2005年1月至2008年12月在诺瓦拉大医院上颌面外科接受MMA阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的16例患者的记录。我们向患者解释了标准衰老面孔的污名,并要求他们评估影响术前中期和下三分之一的每种体征。对患者报告的每种体征的存在给出一个积极的观点。手术后2年,我们要求患者评估术后面部的上述衰老迹象。再次,对于患者报告的每种体征的存在给出1个阳性点。结果:尽管我们未进行统计学评估,但仍有13例患者在MMA后表现出一定程度的年轻化(术后面部得分低于术前面部得分)。 3例患者无术后改变。没有人报告面部变老,在我们的案例中有81%成功进行了“反向瘦脸”。结论:上颌和下颌同时发展改变了面部的骨骼结构,改善了软组织支持并导致面部中下部的年轻化。我们的研究结果证明了这种情况,根据自我评估,所有患者术后看起来更年轻。



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