首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of hand surgery, European volume >Bidloo's and de Lairesse's early illustrations of the anatomy of the arm (1690): A successful collaboration between a prominent physician and a talented artist

Bidloo's and de Lairesse's early illustrations of the anatomy of the arm (1690): A successful collaboration between a prominent physician and a talented artist

机译:Bidloo和de Lairesse的手臂解剖学早期插图(1690年):著名医师和才华横溢的艺术家之间的成功合作

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Govard Bidloo (1649-1713) was trained as a surgeon at the Amsterdam Guild of Surgeons, and later in his career, he became a professor of anatomy in The Hague and Leiden. At the end of the 17th century, he performed dissections on the corpses of executed criminals to teach and study anatomy. Based on his findings, he published a magnificent anatomical atlas in 1690, entitled Ontleding des Menschelijken Lichaams (Dissection of the Human Body). The talented painter Gerard De Lairesse, a pupil of Rembrandt, made the drawings of the anatomical dissections for the atlas in close collaboration with the dissector. The drawings of Bidloo and De Lairesse represent, in a unique and artistic way, an early series of anatomical preparations of the arm and hand from more than 300 years ago. ? The Author(s) 2012.
机译:Govard Bidloo(1649-1713)在阿姆斯特丹外科医生协会接受外科医师培训,后来他的职业生涯成为海牙和莱顿的解剖学教授。在17世纪末,他对死刑犯的尸体进行解剖,以教授和研究解剖学。根据他的发现,他于1690年出版了一份宏伟的解剖图集,题为《人体解剖学》(Ontleding des Menschelijken Lichaams)。伦勃朗的学生,才华横溢的画家Gerard De Lairesse与解剖员密切合作,绘制了图集的解剖解剖图。 Bidloo和De Lairesse的绘画以独特和艺术的方式代表了300年前的一系列早期手臂和手的解剖学准备。 ?作者2012。



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