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Drops in prices of personal computers


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Reflecting recession in Information Technology Industry (IIT) business of personal computer is suffering from reduction in prices, while increase in quantitative shipment has leveled off. Fujitsu registered red ink figures of ¥55.4 billion for business of April-June period, but it say that personal computer business registered black ink figure. The reason why Fujitsu was able to register black ink figure for April-June period is that Fujitsu improved products delivery system and not improvement in assembling plant. Before April, Fujitsu were operating 5 warehouses at 5 big cities. (30,000m{sup}2) At the end of April, Fujitsu stopped operation of these warehouses, and has begun direct delivery of personal computes to retailers shop from its two plants at Shimane Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture. With this measures, products holding time at warehouse was decreased from 6 days to 3 days. This contributed to black ink figures. Margin against sales for personal computer is now 2.2% so distance to break even is at very short.
机译:反映个人计算机信息技术产业(IIT)业务衰退的原因是价格下降,而定量出货量的增长趋于平稳。富士通在4月至6月期间的业务记录了554亿日元的红色墨水数字,但它说个人计算机业务记录了黑色墨水数字。富士通之所以能够在4月至6月注册黑色墨水数字,是因为富士通改进了产品交付系统,而不是改善了组装工厂。 4月之前,富士通在5个大城市经营着5个仓库。 (30,000m {sup} 2)4月底,富士通停止了这些仓库的运营,并已开始从其在岛根县和福岛县的两家工厂向零售商店直接运送个人电脑。通过这种措施,将产品在仓库的保存时间从6天减少到3天。这促成了黑色墨水数字。现在个人计算机的销售利润率为2.2%,因此收支平衡的距离非常短。



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