首页> 外文期刊>The American surgeon. >Application of portal parenchyma-enterostomy after high hilar resection for Bismuth type IV hilar cholangiocarcinoma.

Application of portal parenchyma-enterostomy after high hilar resection for Bismuth type IV hilar cholangiocarcinoma.


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For the surgical treatment of Bismuth Type IV hilar cholangiocarcinoma, it is difficult to achieve curative resection (R0 resection) with restrictive excision (local resection and parenchyma-preserving liver resection) as a result of the complexity and difficulty in biliary reconstruction. Extended hepatectomy with vessel resection can improve the rate of curative resection, but it can also give rise to postoperative complications and mortality. We proposed a high hilar resection and portal parenchyma-enterostomy method to improve the surgical procedure. Eleven patients with Bismuth IV hilar cholangiocarcinoma underwent high hilar resection (resection for tumors in bile ducts and 1 cm above the tumors including segments IVb, V, and part of the caudate liver lobe) and the biliary tract was reconstructed through a portal parenchyma-enterostomy. Biliary radicles were not ligated but were drained into the "bile lake." No cases of perioperative death were observed. Four weeks after surgery, patients' serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and total bilirubin were decreased evidently. The average survival was 25.3 months. In conclusion, the portal parenchyma-enterostomy procedure can be performed with increased curative rate and reduced parenchyma resection, extending the survival time of patients and improving patients' quality of life.
机译:对于铋型IV型肝门胆管癌的外科手术治疗,由于胆道重建的复杂性和困难性,很难通过限制性切除(局部切除和保留实质实质的肝切除)来实现根治性切除(R0切除)。扩大肝切除术并进行血管切除术可以提高治愈率,但也会增加术后并发症和死亡率。我们提出了一种高肝门切除术和门静脉实质性肠造瘘术,以改善手术过程。 11例铋铋静脉肝门胆管癌患者接受了高肝门切除术(切除了胆管和肿瘤上方1 cm的肿瘤,包括IVb,V段和尾状肝叶的一部分),并通过门实质性肠造口术重建了胆道。胆根未结扎,但被排入“胆汁湖”。没有观察到围手术期死亡的病例。术后四周,患者的血清天冬氨酸转氨酶,丙氨酸转氨酶和总胆红素均明显降低。平均生存期为25.3个月。综上所述,门静脉实质-肠造口术可以提高治愈率,减少实质切除,延长患者的生存时间,提高患者的生活质量。



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