首页> 外文期刊>Testing Technology International >Critical timing: Lexus' Suguya Fukusato tells Graham Heeps that with only 13 months development time from styling freeze to Job One, scheduling is everything

Critical timing: Lexus' Suguya Fukusato tells Graham Heeps that with only 13 months development time from styling freeze to Job One, scheduling is everything

机译:关键时机:雷克萨斯的Suguya Fukusato告诉Graham Heeps,从样式定型到Job One的开发时间只有13个月,调度就是一切

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Even among Japanese OEMs famed for their short vehicle development programs, the new Lexus IS is something of an exception: by the time the car goes into production in September this year, just 13 months will have elapsed since the styling freeze "It's a unique case," says chief engineer, Suguya Fukusato, of this work in progress. "Styling is essential [to this car], so in order to give the customers a very fresh design, we made the lead time as short as possible. Doing it in 13 months is a record, and a very, very tough job." Nevertheless, speaking at the Geneva show in March - halfway through that 13-month period - he was confident of making the September deadline: "The whole schedule is still underway, so we're not finished with the IS yet, but we can do it."
机译:即使在以短时间的车辆开发计划而闻名的日本OEM中,新款雷克萨斯IS也是一个例外:到今年9月汽车投产时,自定型冻结以来已经过去了13个月。“这是一个独特的案例”,总工程师Suguya Fukusato说,这项工作正在进行中。 “对于这辆车来说,造型是必不可少的,因此为了给客户一个非常新颖的设计,我们使交货时间尽可能短。在13个月内完成它是一项记录,而且是非常非常艰巨的工作。”不过,在13个月的中途时间3月的日内瓦车展上,他有信心将9月的截止日期定为:“整个时间表仍在进行中,因此我们还没有完成IS的比赛,但我们可以它。”



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