首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of geriatric psychiatry: official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry >Anosognosia in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease: frequency and neuropsychological correlates.

Anosognosia in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease: frequency and neuropsychological correlates.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate severity of anosognosia and to identify its neuropsychological correlates in preclinical and clinical Alzheimer's Disease (AD). METHODS: The Clinical Insight Rating Scale, the Anosognosia Questionnaire for Dementia (AQ-D), and the Mental Deterioration Battery were used to assess anosognosia and cognitive performances in mild AD (N = 38), amnesic mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI; N = 35), and multiple domain MCI (md-MCI; N = 38). RESULTS: Patients with mild AD were more anosognosic than both MCI groups, which, however, did not differ from one other. A categorical diagnosis of anosognosia was made in 42% of patients with mild AD, 3% of md-MCI, but in no subjects with a-MCI. Reduced verbal episodic memory raw score was associated with decreased awareness of cognitive difficulties (AQ-D total and intellectual functioning scores) only in MCI. In mild AD, anosognosia was linked only to increased age and reduced basic activities of daily living performances. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of anosognosia is frequent in patients with mild AD but not in those with MCI. In the latter case, the authors cannot speak of true anosognosia but only of decreased awareness of illness. Furthermore, reduced awareness of cognitive difficulties is linked with verbal memory performances in patients with MCI but not in those with AD, suggesting for the latter the involvement of factors other than neuropsychological. Thus, neuropsychiatric dimensions commonly present in patients with AD should be investigated along with anosognosia.
机译:目标:评估失语症的严重程度,并确定其在临床前和临床阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)中的神经心理相关性。方法:使用临床洞察力评定量表,痴呆的厌食症问卷(AQ-D)和心理恶化电池评估轻度AD(N = 38),遗忘性轻度认知障碍(a-MCI; N = 35)和多域MCI(md-MCI; N = 38)。结果:轻度AD患者比两个MCI组都更易确诊,但彼此之间没有区别。 42%的轻度AD患者,3%的md-MCI患者做出了误诊的分类诊断,但没有a-MCI的受试者。仅在MCI中,口头情景记忆原始评分的降低与认知困难(AQ-D总分和智力功能得分)的意识下降有关。在轻度AD中,失语症仅与年龄增加和日常生活活动的基本活动减少有关。结论:轻度AD患者常有误诊的诊断,而MCI患者则少。在后一种情况下,作者不能说真正的误诊,而只能说对疾病的认识降低。此外,认知障碍意识的降低与MCI患者的言语记忆表现有关,而与AD患者则不相关,这提示后者涉及神经心理学以外的因素。因此,应该对AD患者常见的神经精神病学维度和失声症进行调查。



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