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Use of 'standardized examinees' to screen for standardized-patient scoring bias in a clinical skills examination.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical skills examinations using standardized patients (SPs) are important in documenting the proficiency of trainees. "Standardized examinees" (SEs) are individuals trained to a specific level of performance; they can be used as internal controls in a high-stakes, clinical skills examination. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether SEs can be trained to portray a specified level of confidence and whether SPs' checklist scoring is affected by the personal manner of the examinee. METHODS: Eight SEs were trained as "students" and trained to achieve a failing score on six cases in an National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Prototype Clinical Skills Examination. Four SEs were coached to be confident in manner, and 4 were coached to be insecure. Checklist scores were compared. Seven lay reviewers scored the SEs as confident or insecure on a behavioral assessment form. RESULTS: SEs were not detected as simulations. There was no difference between the checklist scores of confident versus insecure SEs, but their manner was rated as significantly different on all scales in the behavioral assessment. CONCLUSIONS: SEs can be trained to a specified performance level and a desired level of confidence. In this small study, personal manner did not affect SPs' checklist scoring. The use of the SEs provides a mechanism to screen for bias in high-stakes SP examinations.
机译:背景:使用标准化患者(SP)进行临床技能检查对于证明学员的熟练程度很重要。 “标准化考生”(SEs)是经过特定水平的培训的个人;它们可以用作高风险临床技能检查的内部对照。目的:本研究的目的是确定是否可以对SE进行培训以表现出指定的置信度,以及SP的清单得分是否受考生的个人方式影响。方法:在国家医学检验员委员会(NBME)原型临床技能考试中,对8名SE进行了“学生”培训,并获得了6例不及格的分数。训练了4个SE,使他们对方式充满信心,训练了4个SE,使其变得不安全。比较清单得分。在行为评估表上,七名非专业评论者将SE评为自信或不安全。结果:SEs未检测为模拟。自信和不安全的SE的检查表评分之间没有差异,但是在行为评估中,在所有量表上,他们的方式均被认为具有显着差异。结论:可以将SE训练到指定的性能水平和期望的置信度水平。在这项小型研究中,个人态度不会影响SP的清单得分。 SE的使用提供了一种筛选高风险SP考试中偏倚的机制。



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