首页> 外文期刊>Psychotherapy and politics international >Psychotherapy, Political Resistance and Intimacy: Dilemmas, Possibilities and Limitations, Part II

Psychotherapy, Political Resistance and Intimacy: Dilemmas, Possibilities and Limitations, Part II


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The following paper discusses the challenges faced by psychotherapists working in Venezuela during years of political and social unrest as a way of examining psychotherapy's dilemmas when dealing with political issues. It is the second part of a two-part piece. In the first part limitations of the traditional psychotherapeutic technical recommendations in a highly polarized political setting were considered. In this second part examples of the difficulties presented in Venezuela will be shown. Reflexive psychotherapeutic alternatives to traditional technical considerations such as neutrality will be considered. The possibilities opened up by the perspectives that lead us to engage simultaneously with the personal and social aspects of life, the inclusion of the power differential in the therapeutic relationship and the potential that psychotherapy has to act as a form of resistance to unjust circumstances when thought of as a space where the intimate and the political are intertwined will be considered. Copyright _ 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:下面的文章讨论了委内瑞拉在政治和社会动荡岁月中工作的心理治疗师所面临的挑战,以此作为研究处理政治问题时心理疗法困境的一种方式。它是由两部分组成的第二部分。在第一部分中,考虑了在高度两极分化的政治环境中传统心理治疗技术建议的局限性。在第二部分中,将显示委内瑞拉遇到的困难的例子。将考虑对传统技术考虑因素(如中性)进行反思性心理治疗。导致我们与生活的个人和社会方面同时参与的观点开辟了可能性,在治疗关系中包含了权力差异,以及心理治疗在思考时必须作为抵制不公正情况的一种形式的潜力作为亲密和政治相互交织的空间,我们将予以考虑。版权所有_ 2009 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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