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Yin-yang: A dialectical approach to total quality management


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The goal of the paper is stated as: To illustrate that the paradoxical nature of management can be revealed in the realm of quality.That an effort to synthesize notions that are traditionally seen as antagonistic can provide a new vision, which holds a potential for practice. The paper presents a list of five principles to better synthesize the inherent contradictions in quality management (QM) (even though insufficiently as a first attempt and not necessarily exhaustive, but can be improved by subsequent theoretical/empirical research): P1: Less inspection in order to promote quality. P2: Control to promote autonomy. P3: Authoritative leadership to promote participation. P4: Doubt to promote trust. P5: Routine planning to promote creativity. A summary of arguments on the five principles is given in Table 1 for the information of our readers. The paper concludes that the dialectical synthesis resulting from confrontation between traditional and critical versions of QM promotes a refreshing view of quality.
机译:本文的目的是这样说明的:为了说明管理的悖论本质可以在质量领域中得到揭示。合成传统上被视为对立的概念的努力可以提供一个新的视野,为实践提供潜力。本文提出了五个原则的清单,以更好地综合质量管理(QM)中的内在矛盾(尽管第一次尝试不足,并且不一定详尽无遗,但可以通过后续的理论/实证研究加以改进):P1:更少的检查为了提升品质。 P2:控制以促进自主权。 P3:权威领导以促进参与。 P4:怀疑是否可以增进信任。 P5:为促进创造力而进行的例行计划。表五给出了关于这五个原理的论点摘要,供读者参考。本文得出的结论是,传统和关键质量管理版本之间的对抗所产生的辩证综合促进了人们对质量的全新认识。



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