首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Variation in Women's Preferences Regarding Male Facial Masculinity Is Better Explained by Genetic Differences Than by Previously Identified Context-Dependent Effects

Variation in Women's Preferences Regarding Male Facial Masculinity Is Better Explained by Genetic Differences Than by Previously Identified Context-Dependent Effects


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Women's preferences for masculine versus feminine male faces are highly variable. According to a dominant theory in evolutionary psychology, this variability results from adaptations that optimize preferences by calibrating them to certain contextual factors, including women's self-perceived attractiveness, short- versus long-term relationship orientation, pathogen disgust sensitivity, and stage of the menstrual cycle. The theory does not account for the possible contribution of genetic variation on women's facial masculinity preference. Using a large sample (N = 2,160) of identical and nonidentical female Finnish twins and their siblings, we showed that the proportion of variation in women's preferences regarding male facial masculinity that was attributable to genetic variation (38%) dwarfed the variation due to the combined effect of contextual factors (< 1%). These findings cast doubt on the importance of these context-dependent effects and may suggest a need for refocusing in the field toward understanding the wide genetic variation in these preferences and how this variation relates to the evolution of sexual dimorphism in faces.
机译:女性对男性面孔和女性男性面孔的偏好差异很大。根据进化心理学的一个占主导地位的理论,这种变异性是通过调整适应性而产生的,这些适应性通过将偏好根据某些背景因素进行校准来优化,包括女性的自我感知吸引力,短期或长期关系取向,病原体厌恶敏感性和月经阶段。周期。该理论没有考虑遗传变异对女性面部男性气质偏好的可能贡献。使用大量相同(和不相同)的女性芬兰双胞胎及其兄弟姐妹的样本(N = 2,160),我们发现,由于遗传变异(38%),女性对男性面部男性气质的偏爱中,女性的偏爱比例使该差异变得相形见the。情境因素的综合影响(<1%)。这些发现使人们对这些依赖于上下文的效应的重要性产生怀疑,并可能表明需要重新关注该领域,以了解这些偏好中的广泛遗传变异,以及这种变异与面部性二态性进化的关系。



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