首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Reminders of Secular Authority Reduce Believers' Distrust of Atheists

Reminders of Secular Authority Reduce Believers' Distrust of Atheists


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Atheists have long been distrusted, in part because they do not believe that a watchful, judging god monitors their behavior. However, in many parts of the world, secular institutions such as police, judges, and courts are also potent sources of social monitoring that encourage prosocial behavior. Reminders of such secular authority could therefore reduce believers' distrust of atheists. In our experiments, participants who watched a video about police effectiveness (Experiment 1) or were subtly primed with secular-authority concepts (Experiments 2-3) expressed less distrust of atheists than did participants who watched a control video or were not primed, respectively. We tested three distinct alternative explanations for these findings. Compared with control participants, participants primed with secular-authority concepts did not exhibit reduced general prejudice against out-groups (Experiment 1), prejudice reactions associated with functional threats that particular out-groups are perceived to pose (specifically, viewing gays with disgust; Experiment 2), or general distrust of out-groups (Experiment 3). These findings contribute to theory regarding both the psychological bases of prejudices and the psychological functions served by gods and governments.
机译:无神论者长期以来一直受到不信任,部分原因是他们不相信有观察力的,有审判权的上帝会监督他们的行为。但是,在世界许多地方,诸如警察,法官和法院之类的世俗机构也是鼓励亲社会行为的有效社会监督来源。因此,提醒世俗权威可以减少信徒对无神论者的不信任。在我们的实验中,分别观看过关于警察效力的视频(实验1)或被世俗权威概念巧妙地吸引(实验2-3)的参与者对无神论者的不信任感分别比观看对照视频或不讲话的参与者低。 。对于这些发现,我们测试了三种不同的替代解释。与对照组参与者相比,接受世俗权威概念的参与者对外界群体的总体偏见没有减少(实验1),与特定群体认为构成的功能性威胁相关的偏见反应(具体而言,厌恶观看同性恋者;实验2),或对小组成员普遍不信任(实验3)。这些发现为关于偏见的心理基础以及神和政府所发挥的心理功能的理论做出了贡献。



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