首页> 外文期刊>Progress in human geography >The question of space in Carl Schmitt

The question of space in Carl Schmitt


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In this paper we present an analysis of the German legal and political theorist Carl Schmitt as a spatial thinker whose work contains many elements relevant to the concerns of political geography. In examining his fundamental concern with how to ground modern political order without theological foundation, we identify a conceptual matrix between space, political order and conflict that underpins his thought. Charting the development of his spatial theory across his work, we focus on two key spatial moments from immediately before and after the Second World War: first, his theory of Gro ss raum (greater space') order as a reformulation of global order after the eclipse of the state and its complicated entanglements with Nazi spatial thinking and expansionism in eastern Europe; second, his notion of nomos, developed after the war to embrace both a geo-elemental spatial ontology and an account of the rise and fall of Eurocentric global order. We conclude by noting Schmitt's failure to move beyond an understanding of order grounded on spatial division and his increasing retreat into eschatological fantasy as global spatio-political relations became increasingly more complex in the late 20th century.
机译:在本文中,我们对作为空间思想家的德国法律和政治理论家卡尔·施密特(Carl Schmitt)进行了分析,他的著作包含许多与政治地理问题相关的元素。在考察他对如何在没有神学基础的情况下建立现代政治秩序的基本关切时,我们确定了空间,政治秩序和冲突之间的概念矩阵,这是他思想的基础。描绘了他的空间理论在整个作品中的发展历程,我们将重点放在第二次世界大战前后的两个关键的空间时刻:首先,他的格罗斯拉姆(大空间)秩序理论是对世界大战后全球秩序的重新表述。国家的日蚀及其与东欧纳粹空间思想和扩张主义的复杂纠缠;第二,他的nomos概念是在战后发展起来的,既包含地理元素的空间本体,又包含对欧洲中心全球秩序的兴衰的解释。最后,我们注意到施密特(Schmitt)未能超越对基于空间划分的秩序的理解,并且随着20世纪末全球时空政治关系变得越来越复杂,他逐渐退缩到末世论的幻想中。



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