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Auditory frequency discrimination learning is affected by stimulus variability


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We explored the effects of training set variability on learning and generalization of pure-tone frequency discrimination (FD) in three groups of untrained, normally hearing adult listeners. Group 1 trained using a fixed standard tone at 1 kHz (fixed), Group 2 on slightly varying (roving) tones around 1 kHz, and Group 3 on widely varying standard frequencies (wide-roving). Initially, two thirds of all listeners had low FD thresholds (good listeners) and one third had intermediate to high thresholds (poor listeners). For good listeners, slight variations in the training set slowed learning but wide variations did not. Transfer to untrained frequencies (up to 4 kHz) and to the fixed condition was equivalent regardless of training condition, but Group 1 listeners did not fully transfer learning to the roving condition. For poor listeners, any variation in the training condition slowed learning and impaired transfer to other frequencies but did not affect transfer to untrained conditions. Thus, the effects of training set on progress and outcome depend on set variability and individual FD ability.
机译:我们探讨了训练集变异性对三组未经训练,正常听觉的成年听众的学习和纯音频率歧视(FD)泛化的影响。第1组使用1 kHz的固定标准音调(固定)进行训练,第2组使用1 kHz左右的轻微变化(粗调)音调训练,第3组使用变化很大的标准频率(粗调)训练。最初,所有侦听器中的三分之二具有较低的FD阈值(良好的侦听器),而三分之一的侦听器具有中等至较高的阈值(劣质的侦听器)。对于优秀的听众来说,训练中的一些细微变化会减慢学习速度,但差异并不大。无论训练条件如何,转移到未经训练的频率(最高4 kHz)和固定条件都是等效的,但是第1组的听众没有完全将学习转移到流动条件。对于不良听众,训练条件的任何变化都会减慢学习速度,并阻碍向其他频率的转换,但不会影响向未训练条件的转换。因此,训练对进度和结果的影响取决于训练的可变性和个人FD能力。



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