首页> 外文期刊>Plant Pathology >Potential biological control of clubfoot on canola and crucifer vegetable crops

Potential biological control of clubfoot on canola and crucifer vegetable crops


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Clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae is an emerging threat to canola (Brassica napus) production in western Canada, and a serious disease on crucifer vegetable crops in eastern Canada. In this study, seven biological control agents and two fungicides were evaluated as soil drenches or seed treatments for control of clubroot. Under growth cabinet conditions, a soil-drench application of formulated biocontrol agents Bacillus subtilis and Gliocladium catenulatum reduced clubroot severity by more than 80% relative to pathogen-inoculated controls on a highly susceptible canola cultivar. This efficacy was similar to that of the fungicides fluazinam and cyazofamid. Under high disease pressure in greenhouse conditions, the biocontrol agents were less effective than the fungicides. Additionally, all of the treatments delivered as a seed coating were less effective than the soil drench. In field trials conducted in 2009, different treatments consisting of a commercial formulation of B. subtilis, G. catenulatum, fluazinam or cyazofamid were applied as an in-furrow drench at 500 L ha~(-1) water volume to one susceptible and one resistant cultivar at two sites seeded to canola in Alberta and one site of Chinese cabbage in Ontario. There was no substantial impact on the susceptible canola cultivar, but all of the treatments reduced clubroot on the susceptible cultivar of Chinese cabbage, lowering disease severity by 54-84%. There was a period of 4 weeks without rain after the canola was seeded, which likely contributed to the low treatment efficacy on canola. Under growth cabinet conditions, fluazinam and B. subtilis products became substantially less effective after 2 weeks in a dry soil, but cyazofamid retained its efficacy for at least 4 weeks.
机译:由芸苔疟原虫引起的俱乐部根对加拿大西部的油菜(甘蓝型油菜)生产构成了新的威胁,也是加拿大东部十字花科蔬菜作物的严重病害。在这项研究中,评估了7种生物防治剂和2种杀真菌剂作为土壤湿润剂或种子处理剂,以控制根茎。在生长柜条件下,相对于高敏感双低油菜品种的病原体接种对照,配制的生物防治剂枯草芽孢杆菌和悬链神经胶质菌在土壤上的滴灌可使根部严重程度降低80%以上。该功效类似于杀真菌剂fluazinam和cyazofamid。在温室条件下高病害压力下,生物防治剂的有效性不如杀菌剂。另外,作为种子包衣进行的所有处理均不如土壤淋湿有效。在2009年进行的田间试验中,将枯草芽孢杆菌,链状芽孢杆菌,氟喹嗪或氰草胺的商业配方组成的不同处理方法以500 L ha〜(-1)的水量作为沟灌方式施用于一种易感者和一种在阿尔伯塔省油菜籽播种的两个部位和安大略省大白菜的两个部位有抗性品种。对易感的低芥酸菜子品种没有实质性影响,但是所有处理均降低了对大白菜易感品种的根肿病,使疾病严重程度降低了54-84%。双低油菜籽播种后的4周内没有下雨,这可能导致双低油菜籽的治疗效果低下。在生长箱条件下,在干燥的土壤中2周后,fluazinam和枯草芽孢杆菌产品的效力大大降低,但是cyazofamid至少保持了4周的效力。



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